I love saturdays.

Jan 07, 2006 21:06

king kong is seriously good, and everyone should go see it ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

alexistheshit January 7 2006, 20:21:43 UTC
1. i told you rachel yamagata was amazing
2. amen to king kong being excellent. probs my favorite movie of the year. that and pride and prejudice which i wouldn't mind seeing again


_amyism January 8 2006, 05:44:02 UTC
I know...I downloaded her after that night you drove me home, and now I'm obsessed.
wait, I really wanted to see pride&prejudice but I couldn't get anyone to come with me. JBAH?


alexistheshit January 8 2006, 10:54:16 UTC
yeah but im so busy for the next like 3 weeks so maybe after that?


kouconnor January 7 2006, 21:15:04 UTC
There's a Harvard Square Gap?


_amyism January 8 2006, 05:44:45 UTC
yeah, it's right above the tannery


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