Loser is Courtney. Or Courtney is a loser. I forgot which.
xbrokendesign: I shall go...check my email
xbrokendesign: oh, roadrunner is fucking stupid right now. I forgot -_-
xbrokendesign: the other night...I had this dream
loser: ..that was random
xbrokendesign: and I was going to various places by means of teleportation
xbrokendesign: shut up
loser: LOL
xbrokendesign: and the time travel machine was like...a safe
xbrokendesign: and simon cowell was the dude in charge of the operation
xbrokendesign: and we had to get out of a place before it was midnight (the next day) in the place. think Bill and Ted influenced time watch thing. yeah.
loser: haha
xbrokendesign: and I was in this place where I saw this girl...and I was like "I love you." and she was like "Iloveyoutoo." and she gave me her glasses. and then I time traveled
loser: lmao!!~!
xbrokendesign: and then Simon was there. and he was like "never say I love you like that. I love you is meant for the person who...you want to marry." I was like "o.o kay."
xbrokendesign: and then he showed be a biography...that was on me! :D and it had been written by the daughter of that chick I met
xbrokendesign: (we were in the future at the time...I'm guessing)
xbrokendesign: and I almost read it, but then stopped realizing that it would talk about my death
xbrokendesign: and then I was like, "Simon, am I going to die after this time travel thing?"
xbrokendesign: and he was like "yes.
xbrokendesign: and I had a crying fit
xbrokendesign: OH YEAH! and sometime in the dream I was at an AFI show with some old friends of mine. that was cool.
xbrokendesign: ...my dreams are weird.
Oh yeah. I'm leaving for New Orleans tomorrow at 9:00pm. Suck it.