You all just suck

Jun 24, 2008 21:41

you are all asses.
ok i have lived around gay 
people all my life, and u knwo what?
they act liek regular people because
they are regular people. my best friend is gay.
no im not gay, but that doesnt influence
anything. i cant change ur ways, but 
if two peopel love each other, why 
deny a human right? love is a 
bond that is between two people,
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Comments 37

itsasecret31708 June 25 2008, 02:08:46 UTC
i think i love you.
jkjk sry luke cant fall in love with my boyfriends best friend!


dreamcoat12 June 25 2008, 19:39:59 UTC
but i can fall in love with ur boyfriend! hahha


itsasecret31708 June 25 2008, 19:43:10 UTC
heh... so can i!


*Mod note* the_zedster June 25 2008, 02:40:59 UTC
No multiple posting, singing man. We enjoy your dumb, but not repetitively. Consider this a warning.


Re: *Mod note* singerman1024 June 25 2008, 02:44:57 UTC
what multiple posting? We enjoy your dumb, but not repetitively? what the hell is that supposed to mean?


Re: *Mod note* the_zedster June 25 2008, 02:48:27 UTC
It means don't post the same mindless crap twice. I've got two notifications from you posting the same dumb stuff. Try it again and you will be banned.


Re: *Mod note* singerman1024 June 25 2008, 02:51:50 UTC
dotn knwo what ur talking 'bout man. i only posted it once, so u got the wrong notifications


onipa June 25 2008, 03:21:12 UTC
"no im not gay, but that doesnt influence
anything. "

... )


singerman1024 June 25 2008, 03:25:57 UTC
and what exactly is that supposed to mean? im not gay. i got a girlfriend.
and what does my picture have anything to do with that statement?


itsasecret31708 June 25 2008, 15:24:14 UTC
yeah, em will take this really hard =]
that picture doesnt look gay at all, so try to find a valid argument.


i_eatglass June 25 2008, 22:15:51 UTC
it looks like you're wearing an awful lot of make-up and jewelry there

plus the flannel shirt...half-opened at the top.
and is that hair gel?
just. wow.

or are you one of those metrosexuals? straight guys who act like gay guys to attract straight women?

it gets old.


onipa June 25 2008, 03:22:08 UTC
ps: I can suck all the dick that I please. I don't need you to tell me what to do, faggot.


singerman1024 June 25 2008, 03:26:33 UTC
well if u suck dick, then why are you in an anti gay community when you just amitted you are?


onipa June 25 2008, 05:24:21 UTC
Because I choose to, prissy boy. Why should I divulge my agenda to a closet-case such as yourself?


singerman1024 June 25 2008, 15:17:58 UTC
i aint no closet case, and your the prissy one. why should i argure with a confused gay guy?


i_eatglass June 25 2008, 22:11:33 UTC
im a girl it is perfectly acceptable for me to suck dick
just not any solicited over the net
because that is gay

does this community say _anti_love_?
no it's _anti_gay_
semantics matter


the_zedster June 26 2008, 00:08:49 UTC

Have you checked out the other post? Amazing!


itsasecret31708 June 26 2008, 02:38:06 UTC
i know it is =] but thanks!


A little copy & paste: the_zedster June 26 2008, 04:21:01 UTC
that wasnt even directed toward you


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