I feel like a princess dressed in white! I feel like I'm growing on tree's!
Name:Charlie Szuber
Location:Flint, Michigan (I know, I know. I'm leaving soon.
Favorite bands/singers:Radiohead/Thom Yorke
Best show you’ve ever been to&why:The Decemberist's at Clutch Cargo's. I had a great spot, right up at the stage, and well, it's the goddamn Decemberist's! Plus, Alasdair Robert's opened!
One CD that you can’t live without [no more, no less]:Final Fantasy's 'Has A Good Home'
Do you play any instruments? If so, which one[s]?yes, guitar and clarinet
Are you in a band? If so, any link[s] to your music?no
Name ten songs for the soundtrack of your life:(in no order) Radiohead -A Wolf At the Door
Jeff Buckley -Grace
Final Fantasy -Took You Two Years To Win My Heart
The Decemberist's -The Island
Wilco -Humminigbird
The Arcade Fire -Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! -Heavy Metal
Vashti Bunyan -Just Another Diamond Day
Bright Eyes -Empty Canyon, Empty Canteen
The Delfonics -Didn't I Blow Your Mind This Time?
Favorite movies:Garden State, Ed Wood, But I'm A Cheerleader!
Favorite actor or actress:Nicolas Cage
The last movie you watched:They Grey Zone
Do you go to the movies often?the theater's? no, not especially
Favorite books:1984, Brave New World, Billy Liar
Favorite author:Eric Blair
Favorite children’s book:Alice In Wonderland
Do you write yourself? If so, what kind of writing?yes, poetry, short-story fiction
Hobbies:ping-pong, watching Seinfeld,
Define “indie” [it could be a dictionary-type definition, or just what it means to you]:Anything real, genuine, true, authentic, original, and generally insulted by the term 'mainstream'.
How'd you get into indie music and movies?IFC
How’d you find us?i was searching for a Sondre Lerche community, so I could find someone to pronounce his name to me.
It would be super nice if you could promote us in your userinfo or a community... super, super nice:
If you had duct tape, a tree, allergy medicine and a penny, how would you save the world from a giant-monster-like-thing trying to eat it? [you must use all the items]sorry, i don't do monster's.
Fill in the blank: Tomorrow is Sunday?
Do you ever get told that you look like someone famous?yes, Ted Danson
One thing about anything that you wish you could change:one thing about me? uhm, i dunno. my vision?
What are your opinions on politics?vote Hilary 2008!
Make us laugh:Owen Pallett is really hot. I mean that in a sexual way, though I would never actually have sex with him. I think.
Pictures [this is optional, we just kind of want to make sure you're not some really creepy old guy]:
sorry, i'm not hawt enough for you guy's anyway.
anyway, yeah. i've recently discovered Sondre Lerche and wasn't sure how to pronounce his name. If I had to guess I would say "Son-dray Lursh. I could be very wrong, though.