Bah... I'm updating...
I feel like talking about some other stuff but I think it's better that I just shut up.
Oh yeah, if you're incredibly bored and have nothing better to do, you can read the below rant.
Today at work, I saw a puny petite woman driving a massive black Nissan Pathfinder Armada. My question is why? Why is this tiny woman driving a quarter of the earth's metal supply to do simple errands? -It's been proven that it's not of safety -unless her sense of security has been clouded by clever marketing campaigns conduced by automotive manufacturers. Another point is, she's definitely not driving for the safety of others either. So... What makes big ass SUVs so damn popular?
Sure, you can store a shitload of cargo (phiff... yeah... groceries) in the back and pick up the kids from afterschool events and such. You can even go offroad and have the luxury of All Wheel Drive (Althoughst the fact that the most offroad action most SUVs will see will be the edges of their driveway). But, are you doing it efficiently, effectively, and safely?
-Everybody knows that SUVs (especially the titantic Excursions and Pathfinders) are far from being gas sippers... So hence, you spend more cash to drive these behemoths. -That leads me to think that SUVs are 'class oriented' vehicles. Only those who are willing to spend an arm and leg are willing to also spend an arm and a leg to feed these monsters. With gas prices looking like they are never going to fall back down -only increasing over the years, are SUVs cost effective?
-Heading to Walmart or Winn Dixie in a Pathfinder Armada burning gas at 15 mpg [city] wouldn't epitomize my mentality of efficiency. Is that SUV ever going to be filled to it's maximum capacity? Is that SUV ever going to do the things that it's advertised to do so well? Probably not... When mentioning the size of these machinations, is it efficient to nearly take up two parking spots? Insurance-wise, is it wise to cover it with full insurance when the probability of getting a door ding is close to definite? Do children really need a SUV based on a US Army High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle to be dropped off at school or wherever their destination may be? Can a car for $10k cheaper do the same purpose more effectively? A Nissan Altima (or a Chevy malibu, or a Toyota Camry, the list goes on...) weighing around 3200 lbs can carry just as many people as a 4k+ lbs Nissan 4Runner or other SUV and still save more gas and initial costs in acquiring one. The costs of SUVs are generally much higher than a car... You can look in the ads and see. -That alone negates the arguement that a person is 'stuck' with an SUV...
-SUV drivers often convey the stance that they feel safer being in a larger vehicle than other people and being able to look above others in traffic. SUV drivers don't convey the stance that they don't honestly care for the driver next to them and it's more evident with each passing day (*coughs*middle-aged women drivers*coughs*). Aren't SUVs safe with all the AWD and traction control do-hickies? -No... It's added weight to the car, thus increasing it's momentium. AWD/ESP/TRAC/VSA/etc. ain't gonna help when you plow your truck front end into another vehicle. Not to mention that these features are minimal -at best in preventing such incidents because of the wallowing mass most SUVs carry. (5k lbs vs. 3k lbs...) SUVs in the late 90s and the start of the 21st century didn't have to meet the same stringent safety regulations that most cars had. When the Ford Expedition first came out, it was essentially a F-150 with some brackets welded towards the back and a few added packaged features. Even the automotive engineers and administrative officials often commented that SUVs were made only because demand was so high for them. Imagine where Ford or GM Motors would be had it not been for a SUV craze? -We'd all be driving foreign cars because we can't make cars as well as they can... Is that a good excuse to why massive SUVs should be all over the roads of America? I don't think so. As far as I know, SUVs suffer poorly on crash test ratings (in general, there are a few exceptions) and there's evidence out there to easily prove it. SUVs are far more susceptible to roll over than any other genre of autos. (besides Jeeps... They suck too)
-SUV drivers have been shown by various research (including one by Honda) that in general, most SUV drivers are heavily concerned about their appearance towards others and how they look to others. They are usually self-centered on the roads, and vain when it comes to the latest vehicle makes. -From High and Mighty -- SUVs: The World's Most Dangerous Vehicles and How They Got That Way by Keith Bradsher. I can attest to this as I've been cut off by female SUV drivers more than any other type of auto-driver out there. I've seen near accidents occur with at least one SUV. I've seen a general lack of road manners when it comes to female SUV drivers (usually they are inattentive anyways..) BUT, my own observations dont' really matter, but I feel that these drivers are uniquely different.
Despite me ranting on SUVs, SUVs are still gonna be driven until all the gasoline in this wonderful world of ours will be used up. More respect to the wasteful SUV drivers who feel that its ok to burn it all while it's still around. -Much more props knowing that while they feel safer, it is a risk to everybody else. I can see it coming: The All New 2007 Ford Colossica featuring the very same front end look, height, safety, and capability of a Semi truck!!! Visit your local dealer today for special 0% APR on signing!
I'm tired of smelling like parmegan cheese... I'm also tired of just getting 19-22 hours a week. Ok, I'll stop bitching now...