Do you lift weights?tinkll1March 13 2005, 21:48:16 UTC
I went back to some of your earlier posts and noted that you are on a protein boost powder. Having been on HD for 4 years, it's a fairly safe bet that you'e not losing protein by the urinary route and probably make very little urine. No albumin is listed in your chemistries, and no KT/V. The creatinine is very high, but the post creatinine is very good. Your problem is probably your vascular access, and to make up for pain with blood flow, your blood flow is very, very low. The only way to compensate for this is a very efficient dialyser and more TIME on dialysis and that's why you are on such long hours
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Re: Do you lift weights?( Part 1...)_apwil_March 14 2005, 05:48:07 UTC
To answer your question if i lift I dont. I've been on dialysis for 4 years, and I developed Neuropathy.I dont have diabetes, I dont have any nerve damage. I've had tests on which some residents have pinched me and all that..I feel everything. The only thing I feel is when Im sitting down for a long period of time, I get numbness all over my legs, and tingling sensations. Sometimes when its bad I feel my tongue gets numb. My doctor knows about this, and I've done cat scans, even an MRI. Everything is fine, its just a case of Neuropathy. I started jogging 2 miles 3 times a week. But now I rarely work out (lazy, and because of school). Im trying to get back in track, because I've noticed as long as I keep exercising my legs are fine. My nurse says I have to keep motivating, and keep that circulation moving. So it has paid off..a lot! Now I have been loosing weight because I really cant eat anything. Next week I'll be getting my braces, as of right now I have spacers. They hurt like hell, and its very hard to bite. So I
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Re: Do you lift weights?( Part 2...)_apwil_March 14 2005, 05:52:05 UTC
To answer your question, i have had this fistula for a year now, I've never had any problems with it till my nurses started hitting new spots. It got to the point on which I couldnt stand the pain, and they sent me to the Vascular surgeon. He told me that he thinks my fistula is one of the best, very powerful, and wide. A lot of capacity of blood flowing in and out, and of course I will feel pain. So he wrote down orders to lower the speed, but with extra time. So i was booted up to 3 1/2 hrs. Now I kept feeling pain, so I finally did a fistulagram, and it turns out I didnt needed one. My veins are very weel good, no narrowness..nothing. Once again all the surgeons exmaine my arm, and told me its just a monster. I mean i have extremly good veins, and i need to be put on lower speed. Its too wide, too much blood. So thats why Im in pain..regardless. Belive me none of my nurses, doctors ever heard of a powerful fistula. They think its funny ebcause every fistula has its problems..clotting..or narrowing. But with me, its just the
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Re: Do you lift weights?( Part 2...)tinkll1March 15 2005, 00:01:13 UTC
I wonder if your fistula is too large. Does your pain go away when the fistula is not in use? Is the pain only there when you're being dialysed? This could mean that you have what is called a steal syndrome where the pain is coming from too much blood being diverted away from the muscles of the hand. This is a common enough occurrence that should be recognizeable to your surgeon if it's there. It's the kind of problem I turn over to the vascular surgeon for consultation and surgical correction if the surgeon feels that that is indicated.
You answered the question in the next sentence. You have a STEAL Syndrome and your surgeon should consider reducing the size of the fistula. I'm not a hundred per cent certain, but fairly confident so, if the surgeon disagrees, get a second surgical opinion. And please realize that no one can make a diagnosis like this over the internet with any level of certainty, and the last word is yours, and the doctors you choose to care for you.
Your in hawaii and its raining? OH NO! Well thanks for your help Larry, I really appreciate it. I told my mom about you and we are both reading back your replys.Thanks a million. Anyway I do hope it stops raining...hawaii is all about the sun! Hope your having a great time! :)
Comments 8
You answered the question in the next sentence. You have a STEAL Syndrome and your surgeon should consider reducing the size of the fistula. I'm not a hundred per cent certain, but fairly confident so, if the surgeon disagrees, get a second surgical opinion. And please realize that no one can make a diagnosis like this over the internet with any level of certainty, and the last word is yours, and the doctors you choose to care for you.
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