AqUaBuBbLeS1: remeber the poo call!
goodmorninglucy: yeah, i remember that
AqUaBuBbLeS1: wtf were we thinking??
goodmorninglucy: i dont know
goodmorninglucy: poo... it sounds like its short for poop
goodmorninglucy: poo friends... that's so random
AqUaBuBbLeS1: prob to go along w/my name
AqUaBuBbLeS1: im pepe and ur poo
goodmorninglucy: what? hahahhahahhaha
goodmorninglucy: my name dosnt have poo anywhere in it
AqUaBuBbLeS1: i know but u had to belong to the excriment club w/me
AqUaBuBbLeS1: i already had peeepe cus of my last name
AqUaBuBbLeS1: so i guess we thought of poo
goodmorninglucy: hahhahaha
AqUaBuBbLeS1: i mean i could understand if it was the pooh club
goodmorninglucy: i know
AqUaBuBbLeS1: but no we didnt even add the H
goodmorninglucy: i know!
AqUaBuBbLeS1: like the stuff that comes out of ur butt
goodmorninglucy: it was like, blatantly embracing the POO
goodmorninglucy: i know
AqUaBuBbLeS1: i remeber one time i wrote u a letter and said from ur poo friend and my mom was like "u forgot to add the H and i was like H? there's no H" and she gave me the WERDIST look like we both the psycho kids in class
goodmorninglucy: ahhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha
goodmorninglucy: omg, i'm almost in tears right now from laughing
AqUaBuBbLeS1: ppl prob didnt talk to us for yrs thinking we were the little crazy girls who called each other poo and was obsessed w/horses
goodmorninglucy: omg
goodmorninglucy: i know
goodmorninglucy: ahahahahah
goodmorninglucy: we were set up to be the social outcasts
goodmorninglucy: that was creepy... POO
AqUaBuBbLeS1: maybe thats y ____ cant commit to me, he still remebers the early yrs at school
goodmorninglucy: hahahaha yeah!!
goodmorninglucy: like, friends that are united by their common interest in poo
AqUaBuBbLeS1: hahaha ya
AqUaBuBbLeS1: seriously ppl who r high cant think of stupider things than that
goodmorninglucy: ahahahahaha