001.What do you like to be called?
- JP
002.How old are you?
- 18, that magical age where you still can't do anything for three years.
003.Chick or Dude?
- Dude
004.Whats your location?
- Miami at the moment, but generally, Newport Beach and Oxford, England
005.Tell us something about yourself.
- I write poems, stories, lyrics, play the guitar and the piano, sing, take millions of photographs in a given day and post everything about it on LiveJournal. That and I travel about 5 or more times a year.
006.Sexual prefrence?:
- Bi curious.
007.Dating Status?:
-Single, I think.
What do you think about…?
008.Country Music:
- I can't stand it.
- I'm too much of a passionate person to go without love for long. My life is defined by love.
- I'm vegan so the only thing I think about them is that they're not very pretty animals.
011.Arranged Marriages:
- Stupid. If you marry because it was arranged for you, it's just this couple grouped together, as if you were assigned teams in PE, which is so very pointless. That's not how it would be done in real life, so what are they really preparing us for anyway?
- Everyone is entitled to making their life whatever they want to. I think the drug policy in the US sucks because if people are restricted, they're going to go outside of the law. Those that need treatment aren't getting it, they're getting locked up instead for an addiction.
013.Organized Religion:
- I think organized religion is corrupt because it's all going to the main man at the top (in Catholicism, the Pope). You can believe whatever you want to believe, pray, whatever, but I don't see the point in having some pervert take your money and lead you in prayers. Religion is fine as long as it doesn't extend to your public life, where you start trying to convert people. God's great and all, but fighting and evangelizing everyone so they pray to your version of God is pointless and wrong.
- Sex is great and everyone should have it. Masturbation's great too. There's nothing wrong with sex as long as it's between two people that agreed to it, and possibly even love each other. When it turns into rape, then it's wrong.
015.Low-Carb Craze/Atkins Diet:
- I think the key to being healthy is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, working out and no craze diet is going to help you in the long run. I've seen my dad go from 215 to 185 in 1 month after about 4 months of exercising, a diet with plently vegetables and no processed foods.
016.Same-Sex Marriages:
- Why should anyone have to think differently of it? It's two people that want to commit, that's great. When people start putting labels on who those two people are, you're bound to cause controversy. But everyone has that dream of meeting the right person and living happily ever after - why should gender lines be drawn to prevent it from happening to some people?
What is/are your favorite
017.Band/Singer?(list at least 7)
1. Radiohead
2. The Pixies
3. Sigur Ros
4. Beck
5. The Mars Volta
6. The Clash
7. Damien Rice
- Only mineral water.
- Teal.
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- X-Men and X2
Other Stuff
022.What turns you on?
- An honest conversation, nice eyes, nice voice...
- Sex for the sake of sex.
024.Your greatest achievement?
- Learning that I have the ability to cross three octaves for singing (bass to baritone to tenor - the three male singing voices).
025.What is your biggest fault?
- A low threshhold for boredom.
026.If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? And who would you spend it with?
- I would cross the enormous distances to be with my one love and i would cherish it, with some final last wishes.
027.A magical guy grants you one wish; what is it(And no, i wish for a million more wishes; or anything like that)?
- That I could make the girl I love happy for the rest of her life.
028. Has no question! Tell us what happend to it! (Be Creative.)
- A blackhole opened in the fourth dimension and placed it way back in the past. This was the Ultimate Question, the Question to the Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. So in our memories from past generations, buried within us, is the Question to the Answer (42). We just haven't recalled it consciously.
029.What do you do in your spare time?(video games,sports; tell us which ones or something else about what you do)
I play guitar, go to the beach, sing, dance, go to Fashion Island incessantly and "I call up my friend, the good angel" (Nice Dream, Radiohead)
030.How are you feeling right now?
- I'm feeling relatively good to be here in Miami on a nice late spring day.
031.What are you wearing?
- A Radiohead shirt with a bear with sharp teeth on it, $80 Ben Sherman jeans, and my Adidas. Also a Make Poverty History wrist thing and a black watch.
032.Are you listening to anything; and what?
- Radiohead, There There
Choose One!
033.Pen or Pencil?
- Pencil, for drawing
034.Day or Night?
- Night is when I can call the people I want to.
035.Dogs or Cats?
- Cats, if I wasn't allergic.
036.Rain or Shine?
- Shine. You're basically trapped on a rainy day.
037.T.V or Computer?
- Computer, above all things, because of its versatility.
038.Swimming or Skiing/Snowboarding?
- Swimming.
039.Make us laugh:
So you guys just can't take anything seriously...?
One More..!
040.So tell us why you think you're worthy:
- I'm worthy in my own eyes, because I've so far managed to refrain from bad spelling, I can write good poetry when I try, I am a multiinstrumentalist and I'm pretty good with computers as well.