001.What do you like to be called? Ariel (if you can think of a good nickname for that one i'd like to hear it)
002.How old are you? 21
003.Chick or Dude? i'm a chick,dude.
004.Whats your location? Santa Cruz, California
005.Tell us something about yourself. I'm very interested in learning about and seeing things that i'm not supposed to learn about or see. i want to know everything that i'm not beeing told.
006.Sexual prefrence?: straight, with a healthy love of boobs
007.Dating Status?: getting married in a week
What do you think about…?
008.Country Music: i pretty much hate pop country but old-timey music is always good.
009.Love: it happened to me but i couldn't tell you how
010.Chicken: it taste's like baby (ok that's gross)
011.Arranged Marriages: completely ridiculous
012.Drugs: pot is harmless if used in moderation. Dont smoke crack!!!!!
013.Organized Religion: wow, they kill a lot of people.
014.Sex: it is very good
015.Low-Carb Craze/Atkins Diet: it worked but my insides felt greasy
016.Same-Sex Marriages: YEAH!!!! Go marry for love!!!
What is/are your favorite
017.Band/Singer?(list at least 7) radiohead, bjork, the beatles, the talking heads, deltron 3030, rasputina, the cure.
018.Soda/Pop? When i could still have caffine i loved coke, now it makes me want to stab the couch. (it makes me a little antsy)
019.Color? magenta/black
020.Book? i read everything/almost anything
021.Movie? freaks(1932)
Other Stuff
022.What turns you on? people who watch the simpsons
023.Off? people who don't watch the simpsons, and people who don't bathe
024.Your greatest achievement? staying true to my personality
025.What is your biggest fault? being overweight, oh yeah, i also kill people (j/k)
026.If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? And who would you spend it with? i would find my fiance and go to the cliffs near my house to watch the sun set (yeah it sounds cheesy, but think about it. dying on a cliff during the sunset? pretty cool eh?)
027.A magical guy grants you one wish; what is it(And no, i wish for a million more wishes; or anything like that)? i wish for a big house where i can adopt lots of stray animals!!!
028. Has no question! Tell us what happend to it! (Be Creative.)it was so offensive that i erased it. (shame shame)
029.What do you do in your spare time?(video games,sports; tell us which ones or something else about what you do) i read a lot, mostly i discuss film/music/books and other such things with my fiance, also i love to eavesdrop in public places!
030.How are you feeling right now? i'm feeling pretty average, thanks for asking
031.What are you wearing?the very last clean clothes that i have at the moment, a pair of fila shorts and my aqua teen hungerforce t-shirt
032.Are you listening to anything; and what? a mix i made called "snoozy" the cure, tori amos, morrisey, brian eno etc.
Choose One!
033.Pen or Pencil? ball point pen
034.Day or Night? night
035.Dogs or Cats? dogs with cats riding them
036.Rain or Shine? shine, but rain is very dramatic
037.T.V or Computer? computer, it's easier for me to fin stuff that i actually want to look at/watch
038.Swimming or Skiing/Snowboarding? swimming, i love being in the water
039.Make us laugh:
One More..!
040.So tell us why you think you're worthy: i'm worthy because i don't care what anyone thinks...thank god.
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