001.What do you like to be called? Belle
002.How old are you?14
003.Chick or Dude?I would be of the female gender
004.Whats your location?northern california
005.Tell us something about yourself.I'm a band geek. I mainly play the trumpet, but I do a bunch of other instruments as well. I do concert band, jazz band, marching band, orchestra, and choir ^^
006.Sexual prefrence?:I'm asexual.
007.Dating Status?:I don't date.
What do you think about…?
008.Country Music:I really don't like it. Most of it's very similar, having the same chord progressions/rhythms.... it's very dull for me to listen to. I don't find many country song's lyric's too great either
009.Love:Only fools fall in love ^^ It's just not for me, right now anyways.
010.Chicken:not my favorite food, but I used to LOVE the show "Cow and Chicken" on cartoon network ^^ I laughed my ass off at that
011.Arranged Marriages:lame. sounds like it would suck a lot.... I just met a girl in my english class who was born in India, and her brother was just recently arranged to marry some random girl there. She doesn't particularly approve and isn't going to go through with it, as her family's giving her a choice. I can understand wanting to go along with family tradition though, which is why her brother did it.
012.Drugs:Hate them. They're the lamest thing in the world. I personally think drug addicts are pathetic, but I have a lot of sympathy for them.
013.Organized Religion:absolutely ridiculous. I suppose it has some good morals and gives a sense of structure to one's life, but it's not for me.
014.Sex:I'm asexual. The definition of asexual is "having no sexual attractions to another being." I don't have much of an opinion on it :/ sorry.
015.Low-Carb Craze/Atkins Diet:hahah hilariousssssss. I'm not a fan of meat, so I'm not exactly pro atkins, but I like the commercials where they have these blobs and they're like "we're the carbs! we're the carbs!" and this lady is running..... hahah.
016.Same-Sex Marriages:all for it ^^ whatever floats your boat, or whatever tickles your pickle for that matter. I believe everyone has the right to love however they want.
What is/are your favorite
017.Band/Singer?(list at least 7)Led Zeppelin, Brand New, Billy Talent, Marilyn Manson, Sublime, Joan Osbourne, Marcy Playground
019.Color?Green, although for some reason right now I'm really into orange...
020.Book?Caucasia by Danzy Senna.
021.Movie?Finding Forrester
Other Stuff
022.What turns you on?Someone who knows a lot about music (although I'm asexual, I can still have strictly romantic/mental relationships with people ^^)
023.Off?people who think they know everything.
024.Your greatest achievement?mmmmmm getting into the norcal honor band this last year ^^
025.What is your biggest fault?my arrogance.
026.If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? And who would you spend it with?I would eat a lot of smoothies, listen to a lot of music (probably marilyn manson or Zeppelin) and I'd dye my hair with my best friend :)
027.A magical guy grants you one wish; what is it(And no, i wish for a million more wishes; or anything like that)?I wish for a tail! like a cat's tail. I've just always kind of wanted a tail :/
028. Has no question! Tell us what happend to it! (Be Creative.)I stole it! Yes, I stole it! And I stole your smoothie's too! Hahahah!
029.What do you do in your spare time?(video games,sports; tell us which ones or something else about what you do)well, I fill out applications such as this... I go downtown, get coffee, and read in the park..... I get smoothies, hah.... I write letters to my cousin in new hampshire.
030.How are you feeling right now?my throate is kind of burning... I had pizza a litte while ago... but other than that I'm feeling pretty artistic.
031.What are you wearing?Black pants and a stripped green/blue/white tee shirt
032.Are you listening to anything; and what?my fan, it's quite loud
Choose One!
033.Pen or Pencil?pen.
034.Day or Night?night
035.Dogs or Cats?dogs (I'm allergic to cats)
036.Rain or Shine?rain
037.T.V or Computer?unless law and order's on, computer.
038.Swimming or Skiing/Snowboarding?swimming, when I was in elementary school I was on the city swim team ^^
039.Make us laugh:oh dear... well here it goes, hope it's okay if I quote something: (in a high pitched, fast voice)"and I went up to a thug gansta and was like yo mutha fucka WEEEEEe!"
One More..!
040.So tell us why you think you're worthy:I'm worthy because I'm a trumpet player, and by default all trumpet players are worthy.... no matter what the issue of what we're worthy of is. I'm worthy cause I go to band camp, I'm worthy cause I tutor little kids in music for free, I'm worthy because I like smoothies a lot, I'm worthy because I'm asexaul.... I'm so worthy that I don't even have to list why else I'm worthy!
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:) thanks.