a darth vader action figure, wihtout the cape. for 3 dollas. its sweet, and now my best fried. they had a luke skywalker in his x-wing suit, but due to lacking of funds,(8 dollars needed and i only had 4, i had to go with dath vader) but, its still sweet.
CIRCLE. s0 mar1a tr1ed t0 k1ll me . "but 1 d1dn't do 1t." those are now qroutums. paul just tr1ed t0 k1ll my hand. but 1t d1dn't worked. he just sa1d that he wanted to see santy clauze. pahul lykes oj s1mpson. as 1n the ju1ce. my l1fe 1s over. help me spyderman. sincerely, mar1a paul 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiis s1tt1ng on my head.
people really need to stop vandalising my house, i swear my dads been on the phone with the cops like, 5 times in the past week. i mean, is it really worth it?
although, the sign outside of my house is pretty damn hilarious, stop by and see it some time
im glad that any spare time i have now is spent on making silly icons but its fun i went to coffe co today with maria, and had a blue bannana thing, its good. bye