Fanvid (BtVS): a banch of oldies, part 2

Dec 12, 2014 22:21

Title: Somewhere
Song: "Somewhere" by Within Temptation
Genre: AU
Fandom: BtVS, Angel
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Summary: 19 days after Chosen. Buffy goes to the mystery cave in Africa hoping to return Spike
Resolution/size: 640x480 - 26,2 Mb
Download: MF, password: s0m8Wr


Title: Turn back time
Song: "Turn back time" by Aqua
Genre: AU
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Summary: They have strange on and off relationship, and every night they have the same dream (Spike is a human here and William was murdered in 1880)
Resolution/size: 720x576 - 49,5 Mb
Download: MF, password: t9rnb@Ck

Cec: Wonderful blending and manipulation of scenes! All the scenes are perfect choices, too. The move well with the story, and all those scenes in the Bronze are a perfect match for the electronic beats of the music! I love LOVE the sequence of the video that's in sepia toning! I love those black and white flashbacks that pop up in the middle of a color scene of them doing basically the same thing. Wonderful ending!
Kaycee: This video had such a unique premise...I loved the AU you came up with! I thought it was cool how you used the Halloween scenes to look like she was in the past. The parts toward the end with the black and white scenes smoothed into the sepia-toned scenes was a great idea!

Title: When you're gone
Song: "When you're gone" by Avril Lavigne
Genre: AU, crossover
Fandom: BtVS (+ Lost, The Grudge, The Return, Cool Money)
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Summary: Post-NFA. Hoping her past stops haunting her, Buffy comes back to where Sunnydale once was
Resolution/size: 640x480 - 49,2 Mb
Download: MF, password: y0uR90ne

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