
Oct 17, 2005 11:01

we're back from new mexico. it kicked ASS. i'm getting my pictures developed in uploadable fashion and will make you look at them eventually ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

demon_mistress October 17 2005, 17:06:18 UTC
where in new mexico were you? i might apply to a grad school or two out there, so i'm looking to get information (as well as save up airfare to visit some time next spring).


_artemis October 17 2005, 17:17:58 UTC
we were based out of albuquerque, but we drove up to taos and back in a day, and we went to santa fe, and we went to acoma pueblo, and we basically ran around as much as possible in four days with one driver. (i clocked 661 miles, but nearly all of that was in the first three days. distance is different there, like in arizona.)

that said, i am at absolute zero regarding schools out there! santa fe is *extremely* expensive in every way. albuquerque is a really nice-seeming town and a lot more affordable. taos is gorgeous but i don't know that it's a town so much as an overgrown artist enclave, meaning i don't know if they have the amenities that a town would b/c we spent very little time there. also beware of the high road, it's under construction and we got lost twice. that's all i've got!


marycatone October 24 2005, 15:22:04 UTC
My life has been busy!

Nutshell version:

I broke up with Ernest.
Hyoun is suddenly no longer speaking to me.
I found a new place in Somerville (Ball Sq, right near Kelly's Diner and Soundbites.) I'm packing up to move on November 1.
Spent the weekend in Falmouth, Cape Cod and it was so relaxing!

I'LL BE IN NYC FROM 11/11 - 11/13 and we need to arrange a brunch.


Glad you had a great time and are back and safe!


_artemis October 25 2005, 16:56:55 UTC
ok, that is busy.

congratulations on your move! i'm sorry you guys aren't getting along right now, but you are both so terrific i hope there'll be a way to work it out. either way i will still love both of you. :)

brunch sounds fantastic! i will see what i can do. are you heading back on 11/13? if so, maybe we should set it up on 11/12 so we have plenty of time to hang out? let me know.



marycatone October 25 2005, 20:10:50 UTC
I hope we can work it out too. I think maybe getting out of each other's hair will help. A lot.

Brunch on Saturday, 11/12 is perfect. And you can meet Taylor! He has no dietary restrictions at all, so it's only a matter of figuring out how to feed both me and the vegetarian/vegan contingent.

Yay brunch!


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