20 Things I love
001. Music
002. Movies
003. Friends
004. Computer
005. The person I like
006. Pizza
007. Mexico
008. Quads
009. Biking
010. PS2
011. XBOX
012. Computer Games
013. Remote Control Car
014. My dead dog :'(
015. Hungry Howies
016. Subway
017. Starbucks
018. Forest
019. Snow
020. Rain
20 Things I hate
001. My sister
002. School it might get better though
003. "People who think they are cool"
004. Drugs
005. Poetry
006. My english teacher
007. My spanish teacher
008. McDonalds
009. GC "aka the gay band"
010. New York Yankees
011. Digital Paintball
012. Reading some books
013. People calling me names
014. Being hated
015. Facing fear
016. Rap
017. Hip-Hop
018. Being away from friends
019. Broken CD's
020. Bush and Kerry...(They both suck)
10 Things I could sacrifice
001. Mean friends
002. Soda
003. My life for someone
004. Food
005. Money for a friend in need
006. A shoulder
007. A place to stay for the night
008. Life for freedom
009. Body part(s)
010. I don't know what else
10 Things I would die without
001. Friends
002. Music
003. Computer
004. Phone
005. Movies
006. Mexico
007. Quad
008. The person I like
009. Non-CD's
010. Parents