
Nov 11, 2005 15:29

i'm making a new live journal. most of you wont be on it. but if youre really nice and ask, maybe i'll put you on it ( Read more... )

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Comments 28

ljsucksdick November 11 2005, 21:16:10 UTC
"i'm sick of people pretending to like someone and then talking shit about them."

i'm gonna guess that was to me. i wish you would've talked to me about it rather than posting it on your lj.


_autumnstars_ November 14 2005, 02:10:22 UTC
no, that wasn't about you at all actually.


sexrex November 11 2005, 21:19:46 UTC
hun, you seriously need to get laid.

And the best advice I can offer you is in a song...

"Don't be reckless with other peoples' hearts; don't put up with people who are reckless with yours. Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind; the race is long and hard, in the end, it's only with yourself."


_autumnstars_ November 14 2005, 02:09:28 UTC
hahahah yeah the laid part i dont need. its the affection that would help out loads


sexrex November 14 2005, 02:56:22 UTC
Do you need a pretend boyfriend for a night? If so we can make believe and do whatever you want. I'll take you out to dinner, open car doors for you, drive around, go shopping. Would that help? This is just pretend for one day, I don't want you getting any ideas.


_autumnstars_ November 14 2005, 19:44:49 UTC
hahahaha. no thanks i'm good. but thank you for the offer


urlittlecupcake November 11 2005, 21:24:53 UTC
I love you Nancy.

I really do.

Tomorrow is going to make everything better.
I have some booze with your name on it.


_autumnstars_ November 14 2005, 02:08:13 UTC
it was so good to see you and so much fun!!


goneapeshit November 11 2005, 22:01:04 UTC
Let's get fucking wasted and fuck everything else. Why is it once you survive on your own everything is throw at you? Getting older is just nothing but stress and ache, be it the heart or body. We need to reform the closeness, I hate feeling distant from you! Twins shouldn't be apart.


ps. for your troubles goneapeshit November 11 2005, 22:48:44 UTC
Re: ps. for your troubles _autumnstars_ November 14 2005, 02:05:08 UTC
those are great. i love/miss you. come spend the night with me


_autumnstars_ November 14 2005, 02:07:39 UTC
i know! i feel like my life is falling apart. my grandfather died 2 days ago too. and we do need to reform our closeness. i miss it tons


princessjojobee November 11 2005, 22:16:34 UTC
Come to RuSans tonight love!
Or if not, then lets figure out what we can do after RuSans.
I'm open to suggestions, so call/text me and let's do it!
<3 I love you. You know this, but you need to be
reminded sometimes that there are people who love
you tons. We could start a club actually. I'm gonna do it!


_autumnstars_ November 14 2005, 02:06:37 UTC
i'm down for a club!! sorry i didnt call, things were kinda fucked up. we need to set a date for hang out time. i love you


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