Bored so I decided to take this from Renas Journal :D
[x] The shoes you wore today: slippers till the game, tan with white fuz around the edge, then cheerleading shoes, white with red and black arrows.
[x] Your eyes: green i think? but sometimes hazel (They Change).
[x] Your fears: dieing/losing my parents
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
[x] Your most overused phrase on aim: lol
[x] Your thoughts first waking up: dang im still tired
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: his hair/and his teeth
[x] Your best physical feature: im not sure
[x] Your bedtime: usually 10/10:30 ish during the week and weekend ??
[x] Your most missed memory: all of 9th grade
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
[x] Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: Burger Kind
[x] Single or group dates: single
[x] Adidas or Nike: nike
[x] Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
[x] Cappuccino or coffee: neither
-----------------DO YOU------------------
[x] Smoke: no never have
[x] Curse: if im pissed/in a good mood
[x] Take a shower everyday: yes
[x] Have any crushes?: no not really
[x] Who are they: its a secret HAHHAAHA
[x] Do you think you've been in love? yes
[x] Want to go to college: yes MSU :D :D :D but im not gonna go there
[x] Liked high school: sometimes
[x] Want to get married: yes
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes pretty much
[x] Believe in yourself: always
[x] Get motion sickness: no not really
[x] Think you're a health freak: no but i wish i was
[x] Get along with your parents: pretty much
[x] Like thunderstorms: yes :D
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU--------------
[x] Gone to the mall: yes
[x] Eaten sushi: no
[x] Been on stage: to perform for 9th grade :D
[x] Been dumped: no
[x] Gone skating: no
[x] Made homemade cookies: well i made them at home but not from scratch
[x] Dyed your hair: no
[x] Stolen anything: nope
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
[x] Flown on a plane: yes
[x] Missed school just because?: no my mom ususally dont let me
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yes
[x] Cried during a Movie?: Bawled during the Notebook !!
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: um noo i dont think so
[x] Had an imaginary friend: no
[x] Cut your hair: yes
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: yeaa .. Borse/Verkyn
[x] Been caught "doing something": maybe ?
[x] Been called a tease: no
[x] Gotten beaten up?: no
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
[x] Best eye color: green/brown
[x] Best hair color: brown
[x] Short or long hair: long but short works
[x] Best height: as long as they are taller than me by some inches
[x] Best body size: muscular talll
yeaa .. intresting.