Name:Melissa Rosemarie
Hair color:Auburn
Eye color:Greeen
Do you smoke?No way
Do you do drugs?eww nope
Teen pregnancy:I really wonder about this...I personally belive teens shouldnt be having sex at this age because the risks of teen pregancy but i belive if your a teen and ready to have the child and you know the person....well enough that you think he will help you though this.....
What are your feelings about the president?:George Bush....I really do like his beliefs and i think it was a wise choice for him to be president
Abortion:Im agaisnt abortion I think you should have the child instead of killing it and you should just put it up for adoption wich would much better then killing a child
Im really agaistn alcohol ive sworn to myself never to drink and i belive drugs are just as bad....
Just questions~
Name 5 of your favorite bands/singers:
1.Relient K
2.The Used
3.Dashboard Conffesionals
4.Story of the year
5.and Britney Spears cause she has good dancing music
What bands/singers do you dislike:I dont like weird all yacovic or what ever, i dont like any of the disney actors/actresses turned singers...and that pretty much it
What stands out about you?Hmm prolly how outspoken i am im not afraid to go up to some cute on the street and say hey your hott
Name something good about yourself:I have an upbeat attitude!
Name something bad about yourself:Im very picky when comes to things.....
What do you do in your spare time?:Shop, hangout, go on the internet, watch some tv, go on walks, ride my bike, and like go on my trampoline, oh also listen to music!
whats your favorite word?Uber because you can be like uber cool...lol
Anything else?mmmm nothing else mmmkay
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