Go ahead get mad at me all you want! Im not doing ANYTHING wrong.
Marijuana side effects can be as seemingly innocent as an increased appetite to as life threatening as lung cancer.
Marijuana side effects from an overdose include toxic psychosis including hallucinations, delusions and a loss of self-identification.
Marijuana side effects include physical problems like breathing difficulties and deteriorating physical abilities. Despite a popular belief, marijuana side effects speed up the heart, blood and breathing rate.
The marijuana side effects from this extra exertion on the body include a higher risk for lung cancer, heart attacks and strokes.
Depression often occurs with marijuana usage, which feeds into the cycle of more drug use to treat the pain created by drug use. This cycle of addiction is very powerful and users soon find that they cannot stop using the drug even if they want to.
Many people are realizing that marijuana side effects are not to be taken lightly and need to be addressed by professionals.
Short-Term Effects of Smoking Marijuana:
-Impaired short-term memory
-Reduced ability to concentrate
-Loss of coordination
-Increased heart rate
-Dry mouth
-Bloodshot eyes
-Decreased social inhibitions
Long-Term Effects of Smoking Marijuana:
-Abnormal physical development in males: reduced testosterone levels may delay deepening of voice, growth of beard, development of muscle mass. It can also lead to decreased sperm count and difficulty having children.
-Abnormal physical development in females: Increased testosterone and decreased estrogen levels may cause irregular menstrual cycles and an increased risk of infertility.
-Carbon monoxide and tar into lungs (Pot smoke has 70% more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke, so that heavy pot smokers may have as much or greater potential for developing cancer as cigarette smokers).
-Reduced capacity to fight off infections (and added risk of infection to smokers who share joints)
-Decreased motivation/ambition
Some of the common physical effects of marijuana include:
Worsening coordination
Breathing problems
Increased appetite
Reduced blood flow to the brain
Changes in the reproductive organs
One marijuana cigarette can cause more damage to the lungs than many tobacco cigarettes, because marijuana has more tar in it and is usually smoked without filters. Unpleasant side effects from marijuana occur in about 40 to 60 percent of people who use marijuana.
Marijuana contains some of the same, and sometimes even more, of the cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.