What's this barrage all about?
It's simply a community I made to share my music, graphics (mostly icons), writings, pictures and much more.
Hmm, I honestly don't make icons/graphics of any particular fandom or person all the time. That's because my interests or favorites always change. So I basically I make icons/graphics of whatever I'm into that moment. To check out what I'm interested at the moment (or what I would most probably make icons/graphics of for that moment), visit my
profile. Haha, I hope I made sense.
Who are you?
just_ragdoll Can I friend you? How about the community?
Feel free to friend the community. As for me, comment in my friends-only post and I'll consider you.
Can I join the community?
You are very much encouraged to, especially if you would want to have access to music downloads. You can view the community's recent music uploads
What did you use for your graphics?
Credits and resources are found
here. Sorry but I can't answer specifically what brush/texture/pattern etc I used and from whom I got it because I usually just save it and it just gets jumbled up with everything else.
Where I can find your other posts that I missed? Where I can your ____ music download or ____ icons?
You can find them in the
Memories page. Since I'm such an OC person, they're categorized properly so you won't have any problem with that. You can also use the
I still have a question.
Then feel free to comment here and I'd gladly answer your question.