Here's just a few of my pictures from Homecoming. Simply put, the night was AMAZING.
Excuse the messed up writing. My computer is screwed.
Me and my sister before pictures.
Some of the girls.
No one's really paying attention.
Girls and boys.
Me, Beck, Dan and Kate.
Lauren, Kristin, Kate, Shelb, Britt, Jilian, Hannah, Kate, Me.
Me and Kate.
Shelb and Brittany.
Hannah and Jilian.
Me and my beautiful Chemistry partner..Lauren.
Me and Shelby.
Brown Dresses.
Me and Hannerz.
Me and Brittany.
Kate, Lauren, Hannah, Me.
Something's funny..
The Girls.
Me and the most handsome black man I know, Oliver.
The cutie Kelly.
Me and hottie Kavon.
Me and Ashley.
Kelle Richards.
Close up.
Mr. Chad Blackstone.
Carlo Mollicone. Infamous #43.
Danielle Thomas.
Cute Austin Handley.
Me and Katie.
Kyle, Kennerson, Me, Fish, Brooksey.
Natalie Kinsey.
Me and Nicholas Shamoun.
Me and Alex again.
Chad, Kyle, Me, Bryant. Sick of fake smiles.
And that's it for now.
It was a night to be remembered.