Style you would like to use: Generator
Title: Not your ordinary Tragic Beauty
Background Image: Its huge and it would only fit if it was 800x600 pixels and do you think that you could tint the tips of the flowers pink… #ff00c0 and make them sparkle if possible in the a white.. And the words say Tragic Beauty in #ff00c0... I hope that isn’t too much work for you..
Background Image Placement: Center
background color: White
background scroll: Fixed in one place
Scrollbar Colors: white
scrollbar-base-color: white
scrollbar-track-color: white
scrollbar-face-color: #ff00c0
scrollbar-highlight-color: white
scrollbar-3dlight-color: white
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: white
scrollbar-shadow-color: white
scrollbar-arrow-color: #ff00c0
Font: Palatino Linotype… but Italic
Font size: 10
Font color: #ff00c0
Cursor: crosshair
link colors: all four #ff00c0
link effects: Wave
entry table: Box
entry table color: a really really faint gray… kind like in your journal but a little fainter.. If possible if not just transparent
entry alignment: middle
entry opacity: transparent
entry border type: Dashed
entry border size: 1
border color: gray
Comment links: Post comment=Tragic Beauty and #comments=sees the… if you could make it so when it says 1 sees….then more then one it says see…if its possible thanks much (
Number of entries per page: 1
screen resolution: 800x600 pixels
your e-mail address:
so it kinda goes along with my icon... if you wanna put your name in the picture like saying you made it go ahead!! I never figured out how to credit anyways!! IF you wanna put a little extra touch on it if you dont think it looks good then go ahead be creative!!
<33333 Me!!