liver langdon: *After checking that Orli's ok, I head downstairs and pick up the phone. I dial Billy's mobile number.*
billeh da boyd: *I was just about to prepare dinner when I hear my mobile ring. I head into the lounge, grab it and press the answer button* Yeah?
liver langdon: Billy? *I ask quietly into the phone.*
billeh da boyd: *I can barely hear the one who is speaking, but make out Liv's voice* Liv? *I ask, concerned*
liver langdon: *I hold the phone away from head for a second to clear my throat* Yep, it's me.
billeh da boyd: *I sit down on the couch* How are you? *I ask, with a low voice*
liver langdon: *I tell you the truth.* Sad... depressed... But I'll be okay.
billeh da boyd: Liv, I am so sorry. I don't know what to say. What happened to you and Orlando is just terrible.
liver langdon: It's ok, Billy. I... *I sigh* I knew you'd know better than anyone how we're feeling right now.
billeh da boyd: I am not sure if I know how you feel. It must be terrible to lose your own chilld. How is Orlando coping?
liver langdon: Orli is a wreck. He... *I sigh again* He goes into Tyler's room and cries.
billeh da boyd: *I sigh inwardly* Is there anything I can do to help you and Orli?
liver langdon: *I shake my head.* I don't know, Billy. I just... need someone to talk to who isn't Orli right now.
billeh da boyd: That’s ok. You know you can always talk to me. *I say, feeling a knot form in my stomach*
liver langdon: Thanks, hun. So tell me something to take my mind off my problems. How're you and Karl doing over there? Still in Manchester?
billeh da boyd: *I smile* We are fine and yes, still in Manchester. He has to work a lot, but I make sure that he has enough rest and enough healthy stuff to eat *I joke*
liver langdon: *I laugh softly* I'm sure you do. How's that leg of yours? All healed up?
billeh da boyd: Almost. It still hurts when I walk long distances, but I hardly do that anyway so that´s not really a problem. *I am not sure what to say right now*
liver langdon: *I smile a bit* No marathons for you just yet? *I joke*
billeh da boyd: No, and I will never do marathons anyway. You should know me better than that. *I grin*
liver langdon: Yeah, I do. Only marathon you're up for is a drinking one, yeah?
billeh da boyd: Yes, but don’t tell my boyfriend. *I whisper*
liver langdon: *I whisper in response* Why?
billeh da boyd: Because I like to make him think that I am living very healthy with lots of sport and little alcohol and cookies. *I am still whispering*
liver langdon: You can fix the cookies by making very little cookies. *I giggle*
billeh da boyd: But then I would have to eat more of them and he would get suspicious if I was eating strange little things all day long.
liver langdon: If he's not there during the day... *I grin*
billeh da boyd: True. But then I would still have a problem with storing them. After all, that’s more or less Karl’s flat, so he knows the place pretty well.
liver langdon: Don't know what to tell you there, hun. *I shrug my shoulders.* Other than we're making me hungry with all this cookie talk.
billeh da boyd: Maybe I should send you some then *I smile*
liver langdon: That sounds delicious. *I grin*
billeh da boyd: They are. And I shall add some chocolate icing, just for you.
liver langdon: Aww, thank you Billy.
billeh da boyd: *I laugh lightly* I know that you can’t resist chocolate. I know you better than you’d think
liver langdon: I don't think there's a woman out there that can resist chocolate, my dear.
billeh da boyd: That’s just your way of trying to convince yourself that your craving for chocolate is normal *I joke*
liver langdon: It is normal! *I mock protest.*
billeh da boyd: *I laugh* Ok, ok. It is normal
liver langdon: *I laugh* See!
billeh da boyd: *I sigh* You won I guess. I'll just tell that Karl next time I am munching all the cookies
liver langdon: Feel free to blame it all on me, Billy. *I grin*
billeh da boyd: Be sure that I will. *I smile*
liver langdon: Thank you, Billy. *I say seriously.*
billeh da boyd: *I get serious as well* You know that you can always call me Liv.
liver langdon: I do. And I will. *I pause* I need to check on Orli now.
billeh da boyd: Do that. Say hello for me. *I smile lightly*
liver langdon: I will. I hope that maybe soon he'll be up for talking to some of our friends.
billeh da boyd: Just call me when you need mine or Karl’s help.
liver langdon: I will, Billy. I will. I'll talk to you soon.
billeh da boyd: Ok. Bye! *I hang up and put the mobile away slowly, sighing*
liver langdon: *I hang up the phone and go back upstairs to find Orlando.*