Name: Carl
Age: 18
[1] Whats your view on using sex to sell music?
I have nothing against using sex to sell music. If a person uses sex and can be successful...make a nice living, I congratulate them. I am not going to sit here and criticize them; it is their life and they are free to do whatever they want.
[2] What do you think about ads?
I look upon them favorably. Sure, they go to drastic measures to convey their messages, but the point is that they do get their voice heard.
[3] Have you ever watched porn? What's your opinion?
Yes. I find porn entertaining to watch with friends just because we amuse ourselves with pointing out how unrealistic it all is. Porn, I really do not have a strong opinion on it. If a person wants to watch be it. On the other hand, there are certain categories of porn that I feel are disgusting and disturbing. (ie: advertisements to see a girl and a horse; sick)
[4] What's your opinion on "reality" shows?
I have a soft spot for reality shows. I love them, well some of them. I watch the Real World, America's Next Top Model, and American Idol. The rest I do not care about because they seem so constructed. However, I do realize with most of these shows, even the ones I watch, editing can be a powerful tool in structuring this false sense of reality.
[5] Do you believe that TV and the general view of the public has desensitized us to emotion as a species?
We have been desensitized in the sense of not always having huge reactions to things, but we still have emotion. Ex: If I was walking down the street with my friend and saw two girls walking in bras. I would respond..."wow...intense..." and continue with my day. If this was decades ago, lets say the 50s. I would think that the world was coming to an end. This scenario emphasizes how we as people have lowered reactions/emotions, but we do not lack them. If a friend's relative dies, I am going to console them. We are not to the point where it would be like..."People die every day. No biggie."
[1] Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
I am pro-choice. Basically for me, it boils down to a woman's body being her own and her being able to make all the decisions. I have looked at some differing views on the pro-life side and cannot say I understand that stance. 1) A child should not have to be brought into this world when their mother does not want them. 2) The woman who has their child and gives them up for adoption in lieu of abortion has to live her entire life knowing she has flesh and blood out there somewhere and sometimes 3) This can later play a role in the child's life when a) their reconnected with their biological parent(s) b) they find out their biological parent(s) did not want them. And I could go on and on, but I will not.
[2] What's your opinion on under-age drinking?
While I do not personally drink all the time, I see no problem with under-age drinking as long as the people involved can drink with moderation and act responsibily.
[3] What are your thoughts on war?
In a world where words cannot be trusted, words have to be backed with "man power." Comparison. If an individual could walk into a mall and steal anything they wanted, no consequences; they most likely would. However, since there are consequences to stealing, most people do not try it. A reason for the necessity of the mere existence of "wars." If the United States were to disarm themselves, another country would just walk in and take over because there would be no consequences. Words are not enough. However, I feel that a war should be the last alternative. I disagree with the whole war in Iraq. There was not a sufficient explanation/reason for going to war.
[4] Which political party do you favor and why?
Democrats. I am the type of person who is very willing to change my stance on an issue if I am presented with information that makes me understand someone's views and reasons for doing what they do. The Democratic party leaves room for change and is not heavily influenced by religion. Sidenote, but I have a huge issue with organized religion and it's influences on people. My family is traditionally Christian and it made me sick to: 1) Hear my pastor say every Sunday that only Christians were going to heaven. 2) Realize that the bible is interpreted on a daily basis with people deciding which information is obviously "out dated," etc. 3) The need to feel that one can change the world and that their way is the only right way 4) The hypocrisy of my own mom among many other things.
[5] What do you think about gay marriages?
I do not care who gets married, but I think it is outrageous for people to say that gay marriage ruins the sancity of marriage. America has far too many divorces for anyone to say that. If people find gay marriage to be such a huge issue, the legistlative branch should just come up with a new term for gay marriage; whatever, just make sure that gay marriage has the equal rights that comes along with a "regular marriage."
[6] What is your opinion on racism?
Racism is the epitomy of stupidity. I cringe at the idea of thinking one's self to be superior to another based soley on the fact of race; especially when this translates into agression against others. I have also noticed another thing when it comes to racism. Knowing from experience, many people are quick to call other people out on racism when they are in denial about themselves being racist. ex: An African American woman is holding a compeition for young students to compete in. Two students drop out of the competition and join the compeition of a Caucassian woman. The African American woman who has a supposed beef with this Caucassian woman calls her out for racism saying that she took her students because she thinks she is better than her and threatened. True, this scenario was dumb, but that is the level a lot of people reach.
Your Choices. And fucking explain them.
[1] If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
If I could get away with anything, I would be able to do anything meaning that I would... 1) Get a huge mansion. 2) Have all my friends and family live there. 3) Have massive security. 4) All the entertainment and food possible. 5) Forever 6) I like to make people happy. What can I say?
[2] If given the choice would you choose knowledge of what is to come, or spontaneity?
Spontaneity definitely. I would be terrified of the future and work myself into a nervous wreck. The future already worries me on a daily basis, spntaneity would be my end.
[3] Would you kill someone for a sum of money?
No, I would not be able to live with myself after killing someone. I would constantly think and visualize the murder along with constantly being paranoid that I was going to be caught. I probably would not eat either. Murdering someone would be murdering myself.
[4] If you had to lose your eyesight or your hearing, which would it be and why?
Scary either way but I have to say lose my hearing. I cannot fathom never being able to "see" my friends and family again and it makes me so sad to think of walking outsie and someone saying "It is so beautiful today" and I cannot see.
[5] If you had three wishes (excluding wanting more wishes), what would they be?
1) No one would have to worry about danger.
2) No one has to worry about wanting; their needs are met.
3) Immortality with the option of sudden death anytime.
[6] Do you choose to believe in religion/God?
I do not believe in organized religion as I already expressed above, but I do believe in God. We did not all just miraclously appear here. There has to be a higher being. In addition, I do not need a book to know right from wrong, I have a conscience. Reoccuring thought: death/not knowing scares me. "A fear that some religious people do not have to worry about according to their faith." Psh.
Hypothetical and Personal
[1] Do you care what others think of you?
It would be a lie for me to say I did not care. I do not let what others think of me run my life. I do not feel the need to be a crowd pleaser and do things for approval. However, I would like for people not to talk behind my back or think of me as a horrible person because I really am nice. ;]
[2] Explain the perfect school day (classes, students, etc.):
The perfect school day would have to be my frieds and I not going to any of our classes and staying in the yearbook room all day. AP tests, etc. are done and nothing is happening in any classes. I think how nice it would be to get everyone together again and make one last publication. Fun times gone. On to the real world. :/
[3] Do you read or write often?
I love Bret Easton Ellis. However, I do not have time to read much because I am often consumed by school or yearbook (editor-in-chief). However, I love writing. I am starting college next year and majoring in creative writing. However, I hope to transfer and major in journalism. I just love the profound effect writing can have on an individual's life and the emotions a piece can evoke.
[4] Why are you joining this community?
I am joining this community because it seems like there is a lot of room for meaningful intelligent conversations.
[5] Give us your definition of bitch.
In my opinion, a bitch is someone who does not care what other people think of them and fly by the seats of their pants not caught up in the petty aspects of life but living each day like it is their last getting the max joy out of it. (corny I know)
[6] Name something that is sacred to you and why it is.
A toss up between my journal and my pictures. They all evoke such strong memories that could have easily been forgotten. AndI just happen to see the beauty in each story that unfolds before me once again even if it was a sad day. I also like to see the transformation of myself as an individual and see how far I have come and how far I need to go. Reflection is useful.
[7] Tell us briefly a time someone embarrassed you.
First thing to pop into my head is something that happened today. I do not know why I was embarrassed, but I was. Meh. My friend posted it in her journal. Actually the whole post in itself embarrasses me. Hilarious moment: Sitting in yearbook comp lab. Carl skips across room. No one pays any notice. Five minutes later the sub walks in claimign that he needs to see this secret room. He says he saw someone dancing around. I immediately thought of Carl. "Was it a tall boy?" I said. "Yes. It was a tall happy black boy," said the sub. I immediately began to laugh...and laugh...and laugh. I'm still laughing.
[8] What is your favorite quote?
I love the book and movie, The Rules of Attraction. For the time being my favorite dialogue from the movie...Sean Bateman: No one ever ever knows anyone. You're not ever gonna know me.
Paul: What the hell does that mean?
Sean Bateman: It means, Paul, you're not ever gonna know me. Deal with it. Figure it out.
Paul: Fuck you, Bateman! Fuck you Bateman! and I have always loved this line...Paul Denton: Sometimes I'm amazed at the shit the spills out of my mouth.
[9] What inspires you?
I inspire myself. I want to accomplish so much in life that I make it through one day by visualizing making it through the next. I want to become a journalist/photojournalist and flipping through a variety of magazines for design, photography, and copy can have an uplifting effect on my mood and mindset.
[10] Why are you here? What is your part in life? Discuss your point of view.
I am here to live. Nothing more. Nothing less. Some of us are destined for greatness. Some of us are not. Sometimes a situation just presents itself. Life happens. Deal with it.
[11] How old were you when you realized you were going to die?
I honestly do not know. I do know that I have a great fear of death. Not knowing anything about it brings great sorrow.
[12] What types of people can you just not stand?
I cannot stand superficial back stabbers who live their entire lives using fake personas so they garner the approval of people they envy. Personal experience? Yes. Ex-friend? Sorta. *sigh*
Last words?
I never thought it would be like this. An hour or so later, I am finally done. Whatever the results are it was fun filling this survey out. Peace.