Name: Casey
Age: 23
[1] Whats your view on using sex to sell music?
My opinion on this is twofold:
Firstly, using sex to sell music- or just about anything- is a proven way to earn money. It's not about the music, it's about selling a whole lot of albums, getting a bunch of airtime, and making a lot of money really quickly without having to actually make decent music. In that sense, it's an effective commercial tool.
However I don't see using sex to sell music as being in any way beneficial to music itself, or to the majority of musicians. In fact, it's pretty negative for a lot of musicians, and for people who like to hear good music, as opposed to soft porn, because it takes the focus away from the music itself.
[1] Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
Pro-Choice. Very much so.
I live in a country where abortion is illegal in all circumstances, except to save the woman's life (Ireland, if you're curious). All this ban has done was to foster a culture of shame surrounding abortion, and create a situation where only women who can afford to fly to the UK can access safe abortion facilities. It hasn't stopped abortion- it just makes the process that much more expensive and traumatic for women.
Aside entirely from that, I believe strongly that a woman has the right to her own body, and to decide what happens to that body. Pregnancy is a huge deal. It's not just like carrying a backpack around with you for nine months. It's something that affects a woman's body as a whole. Nobody should be forced into carrying a pregnancy to term if she doesn't wish it.
[2] What's your opinion on under-age drinking?
That entirely depends on the drinking age! Where I'm from, it's legal to drink when you're 18. In several Continental countries, the legal drinking age is 16. They seem to be doing just fine- and, in fact, in the time I've spent on the Continent (that'd be Europe, kiddies) I was very much struck by the healthiness of the drinking culture there. Alcohol wasn't forbidden. It wasn't a big deal. There wasn't a culture of going out and getting wasted. People would have a couple of drinks, and in general, knew how to moderate their drinking, because alcohol was something that was an ordinary part of their lives. In contrast, the attitudes that I've seen to alcohol among Americans that I have known very much see alcohol as a far bigger deal. I think that that's got a lot to do with it being officially forbidden for such a long period of their lives- it gets that glamourous, forbidden, appeal. People also don't learn to deal with it until they're older, because there's no healthy period of learning about it.
So my opinion on under-age drinking? It depends entirely on your definition of under-age!
[3] What are your thoughts on war?
Rarely justified. I honestly think that war can only be justified as a last resort, when all other means of achieving a solution have failed.
[4] Which political party do you favor and why?
If any person on this community knows anything about Irish politics, I'd be glad to give you a rundown on my political beliefs.
[5] What do you think about gay marriages?
Should be allowed. Civil marriage has nothing to do with religion. It's simply a contract, a series of rights and responsibilities that people can mutually give each other, and should be open to couples regardless of gender. Also, contrary to what some people would lead us to believe, marriage has not always had the same form that it does now. As with any institutions, it changes constantly to suit the culture of any particular time and place. In Ireland, for example, 12 years ago divorce was still illegal, and 20 years before that it was illegal for a married woman to work in the public service. Things change and adapt.
[6] What is your opinion on racism?
It both is, and is the result of, centuries of institutionalised discrimination based on ethnicity. Oh, and it's stupid.
Your Choices. And fucking explain them.
[1] If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
Nothing too wild. Probably move cities every year or two and start over in a new place, with new people and new cultures. I like discovering how different people live. Actually, come to think of it- if I could get away with anything, I'd probably be incredibly nosey and spy on how people act behind closed doors when nobody's looking. Out of pure, unbridled nosiness.
[2] If given the choice would you choose knowledge of what is to come, or spontaneity?
Oh, spontaneity! Life's too short to spend what little time we have worrying about tomorrow. With spontaneity is creativity and new experiences, and a whole lot of interesting memories to look back on when what is to come finally happens. Knowing what is to come would, at best be boring. And to be honest, if something awful is going to happen to me, I really don't want to spent the time in between now and then worrying about it and knowing what will happen.
[3] Would you kill someone for a sum of money?
Money isn't that important to me, as long as I have enough to keep myself going. I have other priorities than wealth- and there isn't enough therapy in the world to get me over having killed someone.
[4] If you had to lose your eyesight or your hearing, which would it be and why?
Ooh, now that's a tough one! I'm going to go with eyesight. I'd miss it terribly, but there's technology that would let me read and play online (which are obviously important!) and I don't think that I would want to live without music, dancing, singing, hearing people's voices.. Sight is more practically useful, but I'm very focused on things like music and other sounds.
[5] If you had three wishes (excluding wanting more wishes), what would they be?
Right now? I'm not going to go with big tacky things like world peace or an end to hunger- because, knowing humanity, we'd be right back where we started within a few hundred years.
I'd probably go for:
*Self-knowledge. Knowing who I am, what I want, and how I want to get there.
*Here's a big tacky one- that people would just learn to listen to each other and empathise with others. And would stay that way. 'Cause then they could work out world peace and hunger on their own.
*All the hair products I could ever desire. Because, well, I'm already on the road to true happiness, and the world is learning how to listen to each other- what more could I want, but fantastic hair? ;)
[6] Do you choose to believe in religion/God?
No. I find it unnecessary. I take joy in life as it is, live in the moment, respect myself and others and am in awe of the world that I live in. A God is not necessary for any of that. If there is a God, I'll have plenty time to worry about them after I die- once I get over the shock of still existing, that is.
Hypothetical and Personal
[1] Do you care what others think of you?
Sure I do. Don't we all? I mostly care about what my friends think of me, though. They're the people who I've chosen to have in my life, they're the ones who can affect me on the deepest levels, they're the people I trust and respect. Of course I care what they think of me.
[2] What (to the best of your knowledge) was the worst day of your life?
When I found out my friend had killed himself, just after learning that my grandmother had Alzheimers. No explanation necessary.
[3] Do you read or write often?
All the time. I read just about everything I can get my hands on, I always have. Due to where I grew up, this has led to my having These days my writing is pretty much confined to college work and livejournaling, since I'm really busy. Luckily, I love my college subjects, so writing for them is a lot of fun.
[4] Why are you joining this community?
I've never tried to join a rating community before, on principle, but I like the sound of this place because it asks more of people than just being able to take a few cute pics. And you ask good questions, so it felt like a challenge.
[5] Give us your definition of bitch.
Depending on the context, anything from me before I've had my coffee, to a woman who isn't afriaid to say exactly what's on her mind, who knows what she wants and gets there directly and unapologetically. Someone who's not afraid to take up space.
[6] Name something that is sacred to you and why it is.
Space. My Sunday afternoons, alone in the house, everyone else gone away for the night, pottering around the place, not having to be around anyone, no meetings, no classes, no nothing. Just me, my house, my cat, and a bunch of books. It's really important to me to have that regular time to myself, since the rest of my time is really busy.
[7] Tell us briefly a time someone embarrassed you.
Heh, people always embarrass me, but I tend to just laugh it off and forget about it pretty quickly. I've been thinking about this for a while and I honestly can't think of one time when someone really embarrassed me.
[8] What is your favorite quote?
It changes with the day. I'm not big into quotes, I always end up quoting too much. However I have to say that Oscar Wilde could say no wrong.
[9] What inspires you?
The usual, tacky stuff that inspires everyone. The people I care about, my family, my amazing granny, and, of course, my cat's relentless optimism and conviction that she is the reason for my existence.
[10] Why are you here? What is your part in life? Discuss your point of view.
Honestly, I pretty much believe that I'm here because of a series of rather incredibly unlikely coincidences that happened purely because they happened. I don't think there's some big mystical reason for it all. As for my part in life- I'm here now, I'm only gonna be here for a little while and, although it really won't matter in a few hundred years time, I'd like to actually do the best I can by life. So my part in life? Do go for everything I want to do, learn to be content with what I have, do things my own way, have real, honest relationships with people, try and make life a little better for people, and learn all I can.
[11] How old were you when you realized you were going to die?
I have no idea. I guess it happened before I started forming lasting memories. It only hit me in the past few years- since I hit my 20s, really- that this death business is something that's going to happen, and that I'd really better get to doing something fun with my life before it does.
[12] What types of people can you just not stand?
People with no consideration for others. People who are full of themselves. People who are ignorant, because they just can't be bothered learning. Religious extremists who persist on believing obviously false things, even though there's nothing to back up their beliefs and a whole lot of hard evidence to back up the other side. People who disagree with things just because 'they're wrong', without even thinking about why they think that. People who don't know how to use apostrophes, or the difference between 'there', 'their', and 'they're'. Americans who assume that my spelling is wrong, when I'm using perfectly correct UK spellings, thank you very much.
Last words?
Oh, and me. Me, now, even: