Name: Melody
Age: 21
[1] Whats your view on using sex to sell music?
Sex sells, there's no way to go around that, however, one can show sex in a positive light or a negative light. If the music is using sex in it's videos it can go either way. Because if the music video is portraying sex as violence then I think it's protomoting a culture of rape, to which I most vehemently opposed. If they're using sex in order to promote sexual power and strength, then I'm for it, since I believe that if a person in confidant in their sexuality then one can be confotable in almost every other facet of life.
[2] What do you think about ads?
I've never had the opportunity to see them, and if I had I ignored them.
[3] Have you ever watched porn? What's your opinion?
I have. I think porn has or had the potential to free western socity from it's sexual hangups, unfortunately most of the porn that I've come across or is regarded as popular is very objectifying and make unrealistic demands of people. However, if we just take porn as is, which is basically voyeristic fantasy in our living room, it can be a very gratifying way of sexual exploration.
[4] What's your opinion on "reality" shows?
I find them boring and regular cash cows. It's one thing to watch a month long competition go on (like in "survivor"), but to have networks go around and search for stupid people to do stupis things (like "fear factor" is just plain insipid and I find them mind numbungly stupid.
[5] Do you believe that TV and the general view of the public has desensitized us to emotion as a species?
Now a days what most people want is monatary/material success and they disregard their emotions. I think as a species Humans have forgotten that we are part of this world and that we share it, not just with each other, but with everything else as well. In our society there is the mentality of "Us vs Them" and that comes into play in regards to politics, religion, sex, race ect. Humanity has forgotten what it is to be "Human", I don't think it has to do with TV, I think it's a very negative part of the over all Human condition.
[1] Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
I am pro-choice. I believe every living human being has the right to decide when they want to have a child. I don't think governmant or society has a right to condemn a person to a child they don't really want, or for a child to be regarded as a mistake. If a child is brought into this world they should be wanted. A woman shouldn't be jugded, ever, for deciding to have an abortion or to fell guilty because she had sex and something unwanted came of it.
[2] What's your opinion on under-age drinking?
I think so long as no real harm is done and it's done in a private environment then I don't see anything wrong with it. In bars and public houses there should be an age restriction and laws to go with it, because under-age drinkers are usually stupid teenagers who think they know everything, when in reality they don't know very much.
[3] What are your thoughts on war?
Sometimes war is neccesary in order to defend ourselves against our enemies, but profit wars are the most currupt situations to have been braught forth in this world.
Being Israeli and having served in the military I feel war, while reprehensible cannot be avoided. It should always be in defence and not offence.
[4] Which political party do you favor and why?
I favour the Israeli Meretz party, because it is the only left wing party that I feel addresses all the social issues I think are impotant. It seeks to make military service in the army equal between the sexes, it seeks to abolish the religious authority over marriage, divorce and the status of women within the religious authority, it's pro-gay rights and it's pro-reproductive rights.
[5] What do you think about gay marriages?
Marriage and the priviliges it secures should be available to any couple who wishes to wed, not just a man and woman. The "sanctity" of marriage is no longer a viable excuse for the heteronormative bullshit that espouces from this argument, since most marriages end in divorce
[6] What is your opinion on racism?
I think many white people (including myself) don't realize the privilige they have.
Racism is pigeon-holling, a concept I very much disagree with, however, I also disagree with racial blindess, race in an important facet of one's identity and it shouldn't be abolished in the name of "eqaulity".
Your Choices. And fucking explain them.
[1] If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
I'd probably rob a bank, it seems to be the safest option, I don't want to kill anyone, nor do I want to cause property damage, so robbing a bank would satisfy my greed :)
[2] If given the choice would you choose knowledge of what is to come, or spontaneity?
spontaneity - knowing what would happen would take away all the surprises and little excitments that make my life so beautiful and unique. Not knowing, going by on intuition or just making educated guesses, makes everything so much more interesting.
[3] Would you kill someone for a sum of money?
No, never. Life shouldn't have a price... as they say, life is priceless. I would never want to take a life in such a careless way, or ever take a life for that matter.
[4] If you had to lose your eyesight or your hearing, which would it be and why?
I would rather lose my hearing, making someone smile, or creating something and not being able to see it, I think I would be miserable. One can always feel the rythem of a base, touch the waves as they come towards you.
[5] If you had three wishes (excluding wanting more wishes), what would they be?
#1 I would wish for better skin, it's the only physical feature that I hate about myself.
#2 I would wish for money to become obselete and that our economy be based on sharing the earth's recouces and consume them into non-existance.
#3 I would wish the earth could talk so that we would know how much pain we caused and make fucking sure we fixed it
[6] Do you choose to believe in religion/God?
I'm an Agnostic Jew. If God does exist and has control over what's going on, God needs a stern talking to. If God doesn't, it's no skin off my nose. If there is divinity then it's in the Earth and we really should go back to calling her Mothrt... or Gaia.
Hypothetical and Personal
[1] Do you care what others think of you?
I care what my family thinks of me, because I'm a representative of my family (as are my siblings) I feel I need to make a good impression on people in the family. But people I don't know, they can take me or leave me as they please once they get to know me, but if They jugde me based on my appearence, the way I talk and a superficial knowledge of my opinions... Well, they're not worth knowing either.
[2] What (to the best of your knowledge) was the worst day of your life?
The day I broke my leg when I was five.
[3] Do you read or write often?
I'm alwatys reading and I try to write as much as possible, since I aspire to be an Auther.
[4] Why are you joining this community?
I'm joining because places where opinions and intelligence are valued are few and far in between, and I'd like to be in a place like that.
[5] Give us your definition of bitch.
When I was in high school, whenever I told a guy off for disrespecting me, or a girl was being ridiculed for something and I sttod up for her, when ever I disageed with the majority about an issue that was important to me and I got angry.
I was called a bitch.
When I was serving in the army and I stated that I wasn't a secretary and that one can answrer their own phones, I was called a bitch.
Being a bitch is being willing to state my mind without fear and be confidant in myself so that even though someone disagrees with me I know I'm right and I'll be loud about it!
[6] Name something that is sacred to you and why it is.
My identity, because it took me a fucking long time to discover it on my own and actually know who I am and not who people wanted or expected me to be.
[7] Tell us briefly a time someone embarrassed you.
I always managed to embaress myslef just fine :). A recent moment, I was in a bus' potty cubicle and a bump opened the door just as I was peeing.
Yes the mortification was enough to close my bladder.
[8] What is your favorite quote?
"Go confidently into the direction of your dreams" - Henry David Thoreau AND "We are the stuff that dreams are made of" - William Shakespeare.
[9] What inspires you?
People, other's people's art, nature, my siblings, my parents, my friends, my nephews, my niece, my cat, books, movies, dreams, stories... practically anything and everything.
[10] Why are you here? What is your part in life? Discuss your point of view.
I think ultimately the reason I'm here is so I can be remembered, because if I'm not remembered it would be as though I never existed and in order to be remembered one must create a change of somekind.
I'm not really sure what kind of change I'm going to create, but I can't wait to make it.
[11] How old were you when you realized you were going to die?
I feel I always knew, because my paternal grandfather died when I was two and he was always mentioned in the past tense, but I knew life was something fragile when I was five and in Israel it was the middle of the first gulf war and one morning after a missile attack I found a bunch of birds that had died from the fright and I knew I could die like that as wel.
[12] What types of people can you just not stand?
The purposefully ignorant. Those people who are deliberately ignorant of what goes on around them. I can handle people who disagree with me, who argue with me, hell I can even handle people who don't care, but people who chose not to Know... I just can't deal with them.
Last words?
Take me or leave me.
Just don't ignore me