(no subject)

Aug 11, 2006 11:59

because uh i'm bored and stuff...

[my name is]: kristen
[people call me]: kristy or kris, for the most part
[in the morning i am]: cranky & tired for about an hour
[love is]: painful, but if it's really love, totally worth it.
[i daydream about]: my future, mostly with glen
[born]: march 12 1987
[shoe]: 8ish
[school]: FGCU
[sibs]: 2 younger bros, charles & tim
[righty or lefty]: righty


[been in love]: yes
[given someone a bath]: i dont think so, maybe my bros when they were babies & i was like four
[smoked]: no, disgusting.
[bungee jumped]: no
[broken the law]: si
[skinny dipped]: yup
[cried to get out of trouble]: yup
[cut your own hair]: umm no but i cut jen's once.. hahaha
[been mean]: yes
[stalked someone]: no im not creepy
[been sarcastic]: yes
[talked to someone]: yes?
[hugged someone]: yes
[fought with parents]: yes
[skipped school ]: no.. well i've skipped class in college but that's different
[kept a secret from everyone]: yes, except glen.
[had an imaginary friend]: not really, i always had real friends
[cried during a movie ]: ohhh yes

W i T H T H E O P P O S i T E S E X

[what do u notice first?]: hair, eyes, smile
[turn on-looks]: hair, eyes, smileeee.. definitely smile.
[turn on-personality]: caring, sweet, loving, um perfect?
[turn off-looks]: obesity? like.. severe obesity? and really bad hair and/or beady eyes
[turn off-personality]: frat boys.
[coloring]: italian :)
[best height]: umm doesnt matter that much, just over 5'3?
[best article of clothing]: i dont care that much, just not gangsta and not golfer. basically no one at my school.

T H i S O R T H A T

[day/night]: both
[summer/winter]: summer but winter in florida is awesome
[lace/satin]: lace
[tape/cd]: cd
[lust/love]: love
[on phone/in person]: in person
[gold/silver]: silver or white gold
[scary/happy movies]: HAPPY i hate scary movies

F A V O R i T E

[color]: orange & yellow & green
[holiday]: Christmas
[shampoo]: brilliant brunette
[furniture]: my bed
[emotion]: happiness
[food]: steak
[pepsi or coke]: pepsi

[fast food]: BK
[animal]: puppies & kittens
[sport to play]: soccer
[sport to watch]: soccer & baseball.. and football
[language]: englisch oder deutsch i guess
[weekend activity]: not working :)
[roller coaster]: dont like roller coasters
[font]: um i dunno
[store]: american eagle

H A V E Y O U / / D O Y O U / / A R E Y O U

[take a shower everyday]: yes
[want to go to college]: i do go to college
[like high school]: i loved high school
[want to get married]: yes
[believe in yourself]: yes
[have piercings]: just my ears, i want maybe 2 more in my ears
[get motion sickness]: nope except on boats sometimes
[have high self esteem]: yes
[get along w/ your parents]: yes
[cried because of someone saying something mean to you]: yes
[rejected someone]: yes
[used someone]: no way
[done something u regret]: slightly. but i try not to regret things
[color ur hair]: nonono
[ever get off the computer]: rarely. i dont have a life down here.


[could u live without the computer?]: no wayyy i feel so disconnected hahah
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: over 100
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: both
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[is cheerleading a sport?]: i dont really care
[last time slept with stuffed animal]: every night
[houses lived in]: 5
[schools gone to]: tower hill, central, allenwood, intermediate, high school, & FGCU (& Edison for a summer class)
[bedroom carpet]: it's tile
[would you shave ur head for $5000]: NO!
[age for marriage]: approximately 24 or 25
[last film seen in theatre]: um John Tucker Must Die
[what do you eat for breakfast?]: yogurt smoothie thing
[bedtime]: whenever i feel like it
[best feature]: eyes
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