school was nice today for some reason. it's usually not. i'm thinking of being a foreign exchange student next year. frau was telling me about it today, and it sounds like it would be alot of fun. although i'd be really scared to actually do it though. god knows i'd always fuck up and use the wrong article or word. i'd end up saying guten nakt
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Comments 7
and ms. shelnutt will love you no matter what.
i still can't believe you met david beckham! i'm jealous
thank you leann.
it's too bad you couldn't have been there.
you're the only one who's appreciated it so far.
everyone else looks at me and says...
"who's david beckham?"
and i just freak...and i'm like...
"how can you ask that?!"
i hate you!
*is jealous*
WHEN did this happen?
And where in fucks name did you meet David Beckham?
"We might make love, in some sacred place. The look on your face is delicate." (My fav song on that CD)
and then you can be my saving grace when i start next fall!
over spring break, i went to miami for a couple days to stay with a friend and her family, and they go to this resort all the time...they're super super rich...and so we're sitting there at breakfast...and i look over and im like....nuh uh! and she's like oh yea...they're here all the time. and so i was introduced to posh spice and becks! and their two sons! hah! it took everything in me not to shoot her right in the head and just take him for myself. they're so sweet, and nice. i always figured she would be a snob, but she's soooo nice.
delicate is my favorite song on that cd too.
that is totally sweet
you need to go tell Ms. Artigas this, because she has the biggest crush on him, and she'd be so jealous..
i have not seen you lately. :(
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