I forgot I liked Skins! All the adverts made it look so incredibly depressing that I didn't even bother watching it most weeks and I only accidentally caught Katie Fucking Fitch's episode, which was properly amazing and I don't even remember liking her in the previous series.
And it is still properly good telly. It is still beautifully shot and still makes fantastic use of music and it was nowhere near as depressing as I had decided from the adverts. I don't think however that it benefits from having two episodes lopped off the end of the series, I don't see how they are going to close off all the different storylines in one episode. In general there has been far too little Pandora and too little of seeing how the gang interact as a whole. However I now like Cook who I despised for the majority of series three, I surprised myself immensely. I really enjoyed his episode particularly when he was hanging around with his little brother and then his later scene with Naomi.
Katie's episode was as previously mentioned properly amazing (and featured forgotten but brilliant Britney song Do Something which sounds a lot like Supermassive black hole by Muse). The scene with Thomas in the bath was fantastic and I really love the twins dad even though he is clearly a bit of an idiot
JJ's episode was maybe my favourite episode of them all. I love JJ and his mum singing dodgy hip-hop songs in the car and all the ukulele music particularly when he serenaded Lara with True. It also featured an adorable baby I am a sucker for that at the moment, it's the hormones.
I am a bit sad they put Naomi and Emily into this horrible limbo because once they finally got together at the end of last series I really liked them and I loved the start of Emily's episode where they got to go around giggling on a moped with silly goggles.
I enjoyed Effy a lot more this series but I wasn't sure about making her go mental although she has had quite a few crazy things happen to her and during the first generation run she always seemed quite otherworldly which I always liked. I thought her counsellor was heavy scary from the get go esp once he started dancing to Phil Collins, that is never a good sign and the disregarding of her memories was very, very creepy. I was glad once they got her back to the hospital Freddie wasn't going to let her go back into his care, although considering he got his brains bashed in at the end by him then maybe he should of! Speaking of the ending I'm not to keen on them killing off someone at the end of every two series run but I did think that it was properly amazing telly, even though I thought that the counsellor was a creepy creep I never thought it would come to that. I was shocked and sad but I sort of enjoyed it. Poor Funsponge.