Days since seen O-Ren: 3 (two was cause for concern. v.b.); No. of times thought Dickie might say ‘mama’: 3 (though ‘maaaaaaa’ followed by a laugh may just have been coincidence, as baby book says that 4 months is far too early); No. of times looked up at door of hut to see if O-Ren would be walking in: 347 (v.b.); Head state: v.b. Bloody fucking
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By the end of the day, he wasn't even bothering to knock. He just opened the door, poked his head in,sighed, and walked away. Until he poked his head in and saw a sleeping Dixon and a disconsolate Bridget.
"...Bridge?" he ventured, concerned, not wanting to intrude but wanting very badly to walk straight across the room and hold her.
"Tim...hullo," She said, in between rather unattractive sniffles.
"Bridget, what's wrong?"
To be perfectly honest, Bridget had been close to saying just that. Well, in a way that was a lot less rude, but that conveyed almost the same sentiment. What was the bloody point of it all anyway, if next thing she knew, the same thing would happen to Tim that had happened to nearly everyone else? So if she pulled away a little, it probably wasn't completely on reflex.
"I'm alright."
An obvious lie.
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