Credit goes to the following fine people for masks/brushes/textures/pictures and fonts that I may use:
Paint Shop/Photoshop Resources
ewanismmeleada latexandleatheraconiteforbiddenstorm100x100_brushesbrushaddicts yumei_k77wordstexturizeHybrid-GenesisClassicdeviantARTSpy-GlassBraggadocio.orgExposedMisplacedAmnesiaCelestial-Star Designs Images
dj_capslock (caps)
cap_it (caps)
Annon nan Galadh (lotr screencaps)
Secret Obsession (screencaps)
Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! (harry potter caps)
thephotobox (images)
arohex (green day images)
Green Day Authority (green day images)
Evanescence Website (evanescence images)
Bitter Epiphany (images)
Keira Knightley Pictures Natalie Portman Planet Renders (renders)
Other Stuff (fonts)
Aaand there's many more, but I am having a brain fart and can't remember. So I'll add them as I do remember.
If I used a resource of yours, and didn't credit. Please just post here and tell me, and I'll get to that :)