(no subject)

Dec 13, 2005 18:12


December 12, 2005
To Whom It May Concern:

My intentions in this letter have not been made with arbitrary intentions.  I do not intend to be demeaning.  Likewise, the meaning of this letter should not be translated in such ways.  The points I care to make favor both parties involved.  It is your choice of course to enjoin yourself in a selected party, as it befits you to do so.

According to the major internet musical hub, Musicians Friend, who had previously bought out the hailed Mar’s Music, the Roland Fantom X6 is valued at one thousand nine hundred and ninety five dollars.  EBay, internationally acclaimed as an online auctioneer’s haven, has a current bid on the Fantom X6 for one thousand and twenty five dollars.

My financial stockade is running low at the moment.  Not because I don’t have money, in which I do in my savings account, enough might I say to cover the expenditures independently.  However, do to a conservative ruling of the savings money by a maternal advisor, this money has since been disclosed from the true owner of the credit.

Also to add to the story, a certain creation yielding of cement and rocks has been formulating since February of 2005.  Due to faulty weather, sports, other various jobs, chores, school, familial responsibilities, favors and other disturbances, this some two hundred foot creation has not been finished.  The builder of this wall is to receive two thousand dollars for the construction.  This payment will be divided up between him and his close friend who is aiding this construction.

However, this bulwark can not be finished before the time of the EBay auction ends. This means that the one thousand dollars the builder would receive will not be able to use it for the EBay auction.  Instead, he will have to wait and buy another one from Musicians Friend, which will cost twice as much.

You are currently being asked to supply one thousand dollars for the payment of this EBay product, the Fantom X6.  Of course this money will be repaid upon the completion of the wall, or whenever the builder conceives the proper amount of money.  It is of perfect acceptation of the builder to not even see his Fantom X6 until the wall has been built, however it is vital to purchase this product as soon as possible, as it is nearly one thousand dollars cheaper than the Musician's Friend product, yet it is in the same exact condition.

The purchase will not cost you a single penny because your money will be righteously repaid in a speedily fashion.   A reply to this letter is graciously welcomed.  I encourage you to invest your time and engage in deep thought over this topic.

If you would like to view this product, simply follows these next few instruction:
    1. Open your web browser and type in the following address
    2. In the search box, simply type in "NEW Roland Fantom X"
    3. A brief search results will show. 
    4. Give yourself a hug.

Thanks and Love,
        Justin M. Hill


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