so its sunday, the last day of our february break. it's been pretty nice. i didnt go anywhere, but that's perfectly fine with me. i'm gonna have to say the highlights of this past week have been the following
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who cares we're going to auburn !!!!!! just kidding i know it still sucks but its only a matter of time til your gone. just sucks you have to be the last to go cause your getting the worst of it.
Your dad is so funny...he couldn't just talk to you about it...he had to send you a fucking email/letter whatever that is. You should tell him like...your lack of attention and understanding as a parent distracts me and weighs heavily on my self-esteem and well being, Ed Hill. Therefore i must insist that you talk to me directly about things bothering you-for my grades' sake.
I hate it when parents pull that shit. I think it would be easier to take if they make a habit of it, like out of genuine concern, but when it's just sprung on you once in a blue moon when he/she decides to play Dad/Mom... gr.
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just kidding i know it still sucks but its only a matter of time til your gone. just sucks you have to be the last to go cause your getting the worst of it.
oh and thanks for the gum. sillypants
summer is where it is at. and where it will be at.
Less than three months 'till we graduate. Oh yes.
413 hours or
24780 minutes or
1486800 seconds of school left.
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