[Section 1]
Your Name: Megan
Your Gender: girl, duh
Age: 17
Height: 5’5"-ish
Hair Color: boring brown
Eye Color: blue
Location: Illinois(eck)
Fears: natural disasters, I don't know what else really
[Section 2 Have You Ever]
Peed your pants: hasn't everyone at one time or another?
Cheated on someone: nope
Fallen off the bed: Yes
Fallen for a relative: gross, no
Had Plastic surgery: no
Broken someone’s heart: I sure hope not.
Had a dream come true: Sort of
Something you regret: hm.... lots, that's all I can say
Cheated on a test: yep.
Been raped: O_o.. no
Broken a body part: nose
[Section 3 Currently]
Wearing: fleece-y pj pants, nightmare before christmas shirt
Listening to: avenged sevenfold
Chewing: Nothing
Feeling: fantabulous
Reading: this quiz thing
Located: my house, ha.
Chatting With: Jake
Watching: nothing
[Section 4 Do You]
Brush your teeth: Twice a day, mostly
Like/Love anybody: I like and love plenty of people.
Have any piercings: Ears- twice on the left side, 3 times on the right
Drive: no
Believe in Santa Clause: heeell no
Ever Get off the computer: occasionally
[Section 5 Friends]
Do you belong to a crew: no.
Do you hang out with the opposite sex: rarely
Do you trust your friends: the majority of them.
Are you a good friend: I try. I think I am.
Can you keep a secret: yes.
Do you have a best friend: I'm closer to some more so than others, but I don't really have a best friend, hm.
[Section 6 The last person you]
Hugged: my mom
Kissed: don't know
Left comments on your LJ/GJ: don't know
IMed: Jake
Talked to on the phone: I don't remember, I hate the godforsaken phone
Yelled at: probably Jake lol
Fell in love with: let's not go there..
Tripped: nobody
Turned down: nobody
What do you want to be when you grow up? not sure
What was the worst day of your life? don't know
What is your most embarrassing story? damn, I don't know any of this stuff
What has been the best day of your life? Warped this year, so far that's the best I think
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? no/no/crush(es)
If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? one in the palm of each hand. Odd, but whatever.
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? "how long will it take me to fall asleep?"
Song: currently: demolition lovers
Favorite song of all time: don't know
Group: My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy
Singer: Gerard Way
Store: probably hot topic, sadly.
Relative: don't know
Sport: eck, none
Vacation Spot: haven't been anywhere all that exciting, but New York was probably the best I've been to
Holiday: Halloween
Day of the Week: Tuesday. No idea why.
Color: red or blue
Magazine: Alternative Press, Spin
Name for a Girl: not sure
Name for a Boy: ^
SECTiON 9 [ DO YOU . . .]
Like to give hugs: Yep
Like to walk in the rain? I used to, but no.
Sleep with or without clothes on? with
Prefer black or blue pens? blue
Dress up on Halloween? depends.
Have a job? kind of
Like to travel? depends.
Like someone? hm... maybe
Sleep on your side, tummy or back? side
Think you're attractive? only with makeup
Want to marry? maybe
Have a goldfish? no
Ever have the falling dream? yes
Have stuffed animals? no
Go on vacation? not so much any more
Abortion: I don't stand for it. At all.
Bill Clinton: I don't pay attention to presidents.
Eating Disorders: it's sad that it happens, but what can you do about it?
Suicide: selfish. unless you really have problems (in the head..). say what you will.
Summer: I hate the heat, and FUCKING BEES
Tattoos: I love them. But they're not for everybody
Piercings: ^
Make-up: I like it better on boys. :)
Drinking: ew
Smoking: double ew, but if that's your thing..
Girls: what's there to say?
Guys: ^
Pierced nose or tongue? depends on the person, but tongue if I had to choose one.
Be serious or funny? depends. funny mostly.
Single or taken? hm.. I guess I'd have to say single :\
Simple or Complicated? Depends.
Law or anarchy? Law, even though I don't approve of some of it, hm.
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? *puke*
Sugar or salt? both
Silver or gold? silver, gold is over rated
Tongue or belly button ring? tongue
Chocolate or flowers? chocolate doesn't die... :)
Angels or miracles? miracles
Color or Black-and-white photos? both.
Sunrise or sunset? sunrise
Rap or Rock? rock
Stay up late or sleep in? stay up
TV or radio? tv
Hot or cold? cold
Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter? I prefer taller, but shorter is cute.
Sun or moon? moon. who actually LIKES the sun? (with the exception of chronic tanners....)
Diamond or Ruby? ruby (haha Trace)
Left or Right? hm... right?
Cat or dog? dog
Half-empty or Half-full? half-empty
Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
Newspaper or Magazine? newspapers are booooring.
Spring or Fall? fall
Rain or snow? both
Lace or satin? lace
Happy or sad? happy or course.
Corduroy or plaid? plaid
Wonder or amazement? both
sneakers or sandals? sneakers
Mexican or Italian food? Italian