Me, Leann, & Amy
Me & Brittany (p.s. nice face homes haha)
Me dancing with this chick Jamie... you can't see her face, haha oh well.
Me & Sarah. She looks lost lol.
w/ Justin.. he looked like a fucking pirate :/, crazy hot topic nonsense lol.
I can't remember the other guys name for the life of me, other than what everyone else calls him (ahem.. "kickin' wing") yea.. 'sup slowness?
Amy and Sam dancing all retarded :)
w/ Stephanie, I haven't talked to this chick in like forever and she was all 'hey, take a pictue?' haha, yea, weirdness.
w/ Amy again. Yep, we're retards ;).
Brandy, yep, lost. lol
Sam again.
I ♥ed my dress, fer realz. I look kinda weird 'cause someone was behind me haha.
Oooh, Homecoming was fun. I thought afterwards that I danced my ass off (srsly). It hurt to sit down, well, part too because of my feet/legs hurting so much from my god forsaken heels. Fuck that, I'm all for my Chuck's for prom, hells are EVIL.
So recap of the dance.
OMG, hella people, hella sparkly/fluffy dresses. Fluff is rediculous. Lots of me and my friends dancing like fucking retards. That was pretty fun :). The DJ played a LOT of rap, and we sang too. He played rock a few times, maybe like 3. I know he played sweet home Alabama (EWSICK) and an ACDC song, and Blink 182- all the small things was the last song (same as last year, wtf), AND he played Good Charlotte's the Anthem. Holy woah, that brought on the teenie flashbacks for me and Brittany, haha. Hm, black kids were making fun of us for dancing how we do, they took us seriously haha, come on we were just having fun people, k?. I was tempted a lot to knock this scene fuck Josh in the teeth, cause he's a fucking dick lol. He came with this girl Jamie and kept ditching her and dancing with everyone else, too. I don't know this girl but yea, not too nice of a thing for your date to do. (note: don't ask stupid scene boys to dances :\, k?) Fuck, I felt sorry for Justin too, his sister is an effing loon and wouldn't let him do anything without her, like she literally made him stay with her like the whole time. Crazy.
Because there was hella people there we were all hot and sweaty and EW. haha there was many a girl with fucked up overdone hair, it made me laugh a little :p. Hm. After the dance I went to Denny's with Brittany. Sarah asked me if I was going and I never gave her an answer except for " I guess O_o", so I thought her and Matt ditched me, my sister had to take us and Sarah said she couldn't find me, hm. Oh well. I came home at 1. My mom bitched at me because I "made her stay up and wait" for me, yea, she could've gone to sleep. I would've been home when I said I was going to but for some reason not known to me she really really doesn't trust me (yet as long as my sister was out with band people and wasn't driving herself [her insurance expires at midnight because she's not 18] she could be home at effing 4am and she wouldn't have shit said to her, hm. And she's a lot worse off than I am). So yea, moms didn't wake me up at 5 with her like she said she was going to, I went to bed at 3 and woke up at like 7.. 8 something? I'm pretty tired even though it's almost 1 now, haha.
Yep. So that was my night last night, kinda lame but pretty fun. :)