(no subject)

Jan 26, 2005 19:07

courtney anderson is wonderfullyhilarious. she makes me lol for serious.

Supreme Court321: just so you know
Supreme Court321: im sleeping alone tonight
mango twenty two: hahahhahaaha
mango twenty two: i mean
Supreme Court321: hahaha
mango twenty two: oh.
mango twenty two: sucks for you.
Supreme Court321: just like the district
mango twenty two: because im not.
Supreme Court321: AH
Supreme Court321: who dares but sleep in the midst of my honey bun?
mango twenty two: there will be three guys in bed with me, actually.
mango twenty two: mr. snowman, ted. e bear, and java chip
Supreme Court321: AH
Supreme Court321: phew
Supreme Court321: i was so worried my little Nicki would be one of them
Supreme Court321: haha
mango twenty two: hahahhaha
mango twenty two: we are so effing weird, i love it
mango twenty two: hey, question
Supreme Court321: shoot
Supreme Court321: not me
Supreme Court321: please
mango twenty two: we need a song to play when the little prince "hears the sunset"
mango twenty two: hahahahah
mango twenty two: how aout natural anthem?
Supreme Court321: ive got a husband and 6 horses ugh i mean kids
mango twenty two: hahahahhaha
Supreme Court321: haha
Supreme Court321: natural anthem?
Supreme Court321: hmm
Supreme Court321: i dont think so
mango twenty two: actually, on second thought, no
mango twenty two: haha
Supreme Court321: haha
Supreme Court321: shouldnt it be something like mystically
Supreme Court321: or something
mango twenty two: yes ma'am.
mango twenty two: and we have to sing.
Supreme Court321: we what?
mango twenty two: hahahhahaha
Supreme Court321: hahaha
mango twenty two: just like, a choir round
Supreme Court321: i just laughed out loud
mango twenty two: hahahhaa
Supreme Court321: alsfj
Supreme Court321: hold on i havent read through the script
mango twenty two: k
Supreme Court321: brb im scurrying to find it
mango twenty two: im the roe
mango twenty two: s
mango twenty two: e
mango twenty two: i didnt want to be
mango twenty two: but i am now, ha
mango twenty two: priyas doing F ing P I R now!
mango twenty two: how cool is thattttttttttttt?!
Supreme Court321: she is the snake i hear haha
mango twenty two: hahah ayes.
Supreme Court321: erica you loner
Auto response from mango twenty two: ****
Supreme Court321: leave me here
Supreme Court321: AAAAHHHH
Supreme Court321: hmm what is a four letter word for lover?
Supreme Court321: i can get this
Supreme Court321: dont tell me
Supreme Court321: im gonna figure out who it is
Supreme Court321 is away at 6:43:54 PM.

So PIR this year, as of today, we're doing it, ha. We're practicing for like 4.5 hours on Friday. Hopefully we'll make it work really well. Either way, I like the kids that are in it. So its going to be awesomefun. Ha, I remember sectionals last year for PIR, with the CAROL!!! poster and the kids in the next room that were like, in a zoo and JJ attempting to hit on them, ha. Speaking of which, I still need one rose. Cause two kids can't do it. So we'll see. Anywho.

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