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__finale What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? My Dog Skip. I also cried the other night when i saw the documentary "A Boy's Life".
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? get my chin done. its small. id like to add like a centimeter of length.
Do you have a completely irrational fear? deep ocean water.
What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment? I dont really know to tell you the truth.
Are you a pyromaniac? i think i had my moments back in the 4th/5th grade when i constantly lit finger skateboards on fire.
Do you have too many love interests? negative
Do you know anyone famous? my step-great uncle is in the footbal hall of fame?
Describe your bed. COMFORTABLE. i have a queen size bed with a down comforter and 3 pillows.
Spontaneous or plan? If i had it my way, i wouldnt plan a thing. but unfortunately, alot of people like plans better than spontanaity(sp?)
Do you know how to play poker? yes. my favorite is texas hold em' which is a variation of 7 card stud.
What do you carry with you at all times? my medications.
What do you miss most about being little? Living under the same roof as my dad and being infatuated with the ultimate warrior.
Are you happy with your given name? i suppose.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? hmm, probably not a lot. id say 100-500 dollars.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? in general, i like myself. naturally there are some things i would like to improve upon, but overall, i like me. i dont LOVE me, but i like me. i believe in myself when i start things. however, getting myself to start things can oftentimes be difficult.
Do transient, homeless, or starving people bother you? yes and no.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? yes. i will admit i am pushy, but i think im generally a nice person.
Do you spend more time with your significant other or your friends? i dont really have much experience in this area. for the short time that i had a significant other, i probably spent about equal time with each. but as of right now, all of my time is spent with friends. if a significant other were to enter the picture, id try my best to keep a good balance.
What's one thing you wish you could do but can't? part with my facial hair. im just too attached...
What is your ideal marriage location? i have no clue.
Which musical instrument do you wish you could play? Cello
Favorite fabric? flannel
Something you love and hate? procrastination.
What kind of bedding do you use? right now, bright aqua sheets with matching pillows, and down comforter.
Do you tell your friends about your sex life? i dont have a sex life.
What's the one language you want to learn? german
What do you order at a bar? milk.
Have you ever pierced your body parts? nope
Do you have tattoos? 50 bazzillion of them. ask to see them next time you see me...
Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery any kind if confronted? Yeah
Do you drive stick? I can.
What's one trait you hate in a person? the trait that involves not using common sense.
What kind of watch(es) do you wear? I used to wear watches for like a week after i bought them, then either lose them them or stop wearing them. i dont wear watches anymore.
Most frivolous purchase? a good portion of my record collection. you wouldnt believe the prices ive payed for these musical frisbees.
Do you consider yourself materialistic? not really.
What do you cook the best? lemon pepper tofu with a ginger sauce.
Favorite writing instrument? bic pens.
Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? i guess i would prefer to blend in but standout at the same time. i dunno.
What kind of books do you like to read? good fiction. ive also been known to enjoy sci fi books too.
If you won the lottery, what would you do? probably buy a lot of musical equipment and music(cds records etc.). maybe buy a nice car.
What's one thing you're a sore loser at? scratch tickets.
If you don't like a person, how do you show it? either avoid them if its easy, or go about things the way they are until i either develop a liking or tolerance for the person. if this person really got under my skin, id probably just shoot them in the leg or something. ya know, to let em know they arent appreciated.
Do you cry in front of friends? i have.
What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? hmm. not too sure on this one. no one has ever really told me what they first thought of me. if you read this, and have met me in person, please comment stating your first impression of me.
What's one thing you like to do alone? go to the bathroom. i cant pee in public without complete discomfort.
Are you a giver or a taker? i suppose im both. i never really thought about it.
When's the last time you cried? yesterday
Favorite communication method? in person. or in speeding cars side by side on the highway with the windows down.
How many drinks before you're tipsy? because of certain medications im on, it takes almost nothing.
Favorite kind of porn? storyline porn. like, when somehow an orgy of cowboys and cowgirls ties into a detective trying to solve a kidnapping.
Do you ever have to beg? not usually
Have you ever done any illegal drugs? yeah
Do you think you're cute? i think im ok.
Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? not at all.
What's the most painful experience you've ever had? i had to get a tooth pulled but the doctor couldnt administer local anesthetisia(correct term?) because of the potential danger of it reacting with my meds. shit hurt.