WrappedInRose03: hey
alexjc06: hey you
alexjc06: whats going on
WrappedInRose03: nothing just sitting hurr alone like always :-( went to church today ...
WrappedInRose03: thats my highlight.
WrappedInRose03: what about you
alexjc06: thats interesting
alexjc06: i am downloading pics from the beach
alexjc06: then homework
alexjc06: :-\
WrappedInRose03: i prayed for craig to come back to me :-\ and i felt pretty holy.
WrappedInRose03: so we will see.
WrappedInRose03: thats cool
alexjc06: hahah]
alexjc06: jess since when do you go to church
alexjc06: did your mom make you
WrappedInRose03: no i went with don. i refuse to go with my mother.
WrappedInRose03: since ive gone crazy.
alexjc06: how is don, donnie, and brian reassociating htemselves back into the family?
alexjc06: explain all that to me
WrappedInRose03: they arent
WrappedInRose03: what re you talking bout.
alexjc06: well kris is w. donnie, you wen tto church w. don
alexjc06: next bill will show bri how to "swing' in the club
alexjc06: lol
alexjc06: im on fire!
WrappedInRose03: kris just went with donnie cause h e had no one else to go with and kris and donnie are cool. and i didnt have anyone else to go to church with so i called him and made him go with me.
alexjc06: haha okay
alexjc06: well i think its good that their coming back into your lives
WrappedInRose03: bill will be showing bri how to take advantage of high girls
alexjc06: things were better back then
alexjc06: haha
WrappedInRose03: they arent though. but alright
alexjc06: bri has the advantage over billy any day
WrappedInRose03: sick
alexjc06: its just good that you guys are with them some time
WrappedInRose03: yeah i guesssss.
alexjc06: your a butthead
alexjc06: ive got a cold
WrappedInRose03: good.
alexjc06: ive been sneexing through my ass
WrappedInRose03: i hope you feel my pain
alexjc06: ya ya
WrappedInRose03: ew thats disgusting
WrappedInRose03: never talk about your ass again
alexjc06: haha
WrappedInRose03: your a special one, you know that?
alexjc06: umm i know
alexjc06: your special too
alexjc06: SPECIAL ED!
alexjc06: ha
alexjc06: lmao
alexjc06: i crack myself up into pieces!
WrappedInRose03: hilarious
alexjc06: what are you doing today
WrappedInRose03: grounded.
WrappedInRose03: you
alexjc06: eh, when do you get ungrounded
alexjc06: i might go to the dog tracks tonight, win some money money money, but just the pool for now
WrappedInRose03: two months.
alexjc06: is that what he said
WrappedInRose03: yea.
alexjc06: that will change
alexjc06: once i come home you can be groudned at my place
WrappedInRose03: my mom added a month because i told her she was a crack whore.. but its the truth so i dont understand why i would be iun trouble
alexjc06: haha
alexjc06: keep the truth inside sometimes to save your own ass
WrappedInRose03: should of.
WrappedInRose03: /i misss craig so much.
alexjc06: where is she
alexjc06: he
alexjc06: so hes not talking to you?
WrappedInRose03: he doesnt even call and we are hanging out friday and so i have been not calling him and i called him yesturday and hewas going to bed and he said i love you which is good but i dont know. we didnt talk for two days and then i call him and have a 20 second convo. and he never calls and i just feel like this is how it should be so i can be okay wihtout him but i dont want it to be like that and i think we will get back together i just have to change and i am when he talks about getting drunk i dont care and when he talks about hanging out with girls i dont care... and i dont know i guess it just takes time, right?
alexjc06: so you two are not going out right?
WrappedInRose03: we havent been
alexjc06: that was always unclear to me... okay....
WrappedInRose03: well your gay.
WrappedInRose03: and your sex was always unclear to me
WrappedInRose03: haha i crack myself into peices!
alexjc06: of course these things take time jess, they will take quite some time, i mean you two have been together for a really long time and just as easily it took for you to fall in love with him its gonna take tripple the amount of time to move on, you dont have to stop loving him, but in order to make peace with yourself and to live your life outside of aggony then you wil have to move on, and he will too
alexjc06: ya ya you think you own me
WrappedInRose03: no but i wantt to get back tgoether with him thats the thing
WrappedInRose03: and i want to try to make it work
WrappedInRose03: and i know he does too
alexjc06: does he
alexjc06: then why dont you?
WrappedInRose03: because he wants me to change first.
WrappedInRose03: and show him im changed
WrappedInRose03: and i can do that
WrappedInRose03: it just takes time
WrappedInRose03: i know that it just sucks to wait
alexjc06: well you can not think about him while you change
alexjc06: you cant
WrappedInRose03: i kno
alexjc06: youll just pull yourself in the hole again
alexjc06: you need to consintrate on you
WrappedInRose03: thats why i need you hurr
WrappedInRose03: i always do better with you in my life.
WrappedInRose03: which is scary
alexjc06: and if you are like, on but i miss him, think in the long run if you get through with this, if you succeed then you will have him, so its like running a race dont think about whats up ahead think wahat your doing to make sure you make it to the finish line and then you clame your prize
alexjc06: well thats because i am your balls babe
alexjc06: you need me
alexjc06: all though i itch
alexjc06: you gotta have me!
WrappedInRose03: sick
alexjc06: so focus on what you need tto do okay
WrappedInRose03: i know so i think it will be easier when you get here.
alexjc06: who does he want you to change to?
alexjc06: i think if your changing he needs to change too
WrappedInRose03: just be more laid back. not freak out so much. have our seperate lives and accept our schedules wont meet up everyday
alexjc06: youve both have made dramastic changes since you first started to go out
alexjc06: alright well what do you think you need to do to make yourself free
WrappedInRose03: i just need to get busier.
WrappedInRose03: i need a freakin job
WrappedInRose03: i bought my dog a t-shirt
alexjc06: ooooooooooh god
WrappedInRose03: i need money.
WrappedInRose03: i coudnt resist
alexjc06: alright well the job thing, i am going job hunting as soon as i get back
WrappedInRose03: well im going too
alexjc06: so we'll do some damage bout the job thing when i get hoem
WrappedInRose03: when he hangs out with girls though i really dont care and i just need to stay like that and i trust him more. but he needs to keep giving me reasons to trust him and he cant mess up anymore. at all
alexjc06: does he know that
WrappedInRose03: no i should probably tell him though, shouldnt i
alexjc06: i just think that if your changing for him he should give you the same respect and change for you cause you even said he needs to go back to the guy you first fell in love with
WrappedInRose03: i know.
alexjc06: let him know that
alexjc06: see what happends
WrappedInRose03: and he has been thats the thing
alexjc06: he'll proabably fight it
alexjc06: if you trust him then okay end of that convo
alexjc06: do you have pics of us on your comp
WrappedInRose03: i do. its so weird too
WrappedInRose03: nope. deleted everything because it justkept freezing sry hun
alexjc06: what do oyu miss about us, anything from tubbing w. don to bike riding with wagons to tree forts in peoples yards to staying up all night playing mario and getting fat..............
WrappedInRose03: getting fat lmao.
WrappedInRose03: i have to go change my underwear i just pissed myself
alexjc06: hahaha
WrappedInRose03: brb
alexjc06: did you really piss
alexjc06: good god
WrappedInRose03: lmao yea i was serious okay back.
WrappedInRose03: i miss making out...
alexjc06: hahahahaha
WrappedInRose03: i misss watching movies and eating ice cream with the windows open in the winter.
WrappedInRose03: i misss sharing a bed and talking all night..
WrappedInRose03: i miss you farting on me.. wait no i dont
alexjc06: you LOVED the window to be open in the winter
alexjc06: hahahaha
alexjc06: that was classi
alexjc06: c
WrappedInRose03: i misss you slaving for me and getting me food.
alexjc06: HEY
WrappedInRose03: i miss laying out on tubes and floating all the way down the lake
alexjc06: were doing htat this summer regauardless
WrappedInRose03: i miss paddling to carellas just to find out no one is there anywayss.
WrappedInRose03: i know. i need a tan badly
alexjc06: haha as if they cared we came
WrappedInRose03: i know lmao
alexjc06: lmao
alexjc06: YOU need sun babdley
alexjc06: deffinetly going out on the lake this summer
alexjc06: maybe ill get a hitch to my jeep and we'll plop the boat in the water
alexjc06: haha we'll follow through on that for sure!
WrappedInRose03: i miss stalling on your shitty pontoon boat if thats what you even call it.. lets call it a board and then swimming it into the dock
WrappedInRose03: i miss you coming full speed ahead and nailing the dock
WrappedInRose03: haha
alexjc06: hahah
alexjc06: lmao
alexjc06: keep going
alexjc06: i miss bike rides
WrappedInRose03: i misss being in florida and havinggg bird shit fightss.
alexjc06: and our roller coaster games
WrappedInRose03: i miss getting attacked by those damn red ants
alexjc06: i miss that too
alexjc06: hahahha
WrappedInRose03: i misss pac man
alexjc06: i miss donkey kong
WrappedInRose03: i miss going to cedar point so much!
alexjc06: i miss couch tents
alexjc06: this year can we pllllllllllllease make a pacted
WrappedInRose03: deal
alexjc06: we go and if both craig and alex can go then they come
WrappedInRose03: ok. deal
alexjc06: im saving this convo
alexjc06: lol
alexjc06: ...keep goign....
WrappedInRose03: i misss skinny dipping by the trampoline when its pouring rain
alexjc06: i miss you pushing me into the lake and making my toe bleed a thousand deaths
WrappedInRose03: ahhh
alexjc06: ahhhhhhhhhh i loved that
alexjc06: i miss swimming across the lake cause we were cool
WrappedInRose03: i missss clmbing that tree at the point and you scrapping your back horribly haha
alexjc06: i miss you making fun of ginger and nanook
alexjc06: ah god
alexjc06: i miss you falling off your bike and you scrapping your knee horibly
WrappedInRose03: i misss running aroudn the neighborhood a thousand times and then passing you in your drive way dying because you couldnt catch your breath
alexjc06: i miss how dumbass brian was, member when hed try to hit a jump and he fell off his bike lmao
alexjc06: i miss sleeding at the hill
WrappedInRose03: i misss making up dances especially when the pimps were my brothers haha
alexjc06: i miss baby sitting your cat while you went down to florida
alexjc06: i miss prank calling
alexjc06: haha
WrappedInRose03: i missss having your dad say he doesnt love me and you and your mom getting upset over it
WrappedInRose03: haha esp when i dont hit star 67
WrappedInRose03: lmao
alexjc06: i miss foreign women yellow
WrappedInRose03: and almost getting us killed
alexjc06: haha
alexjc06: i miss pizza men delieverys
WrappedInRose03: you m iss foreign women yellow?
alexjc06: i miss jets pizza with you
WrappedInRose03: wtf lmao
alexjc06: and ranch sauce
WrappedInRose03: i missss eating constantlyyy.
alexjc06: i ment ladies
WrappedInRose03: wait i still do.
alexjc06: why i put yellow is beyond me!
alexjc06: haha
alexjc06: me too!
alexjc06: i havent let that one go yet
alexjc06: i miss making fun of oyu and cass when you put nail polish on your eyes cause you thought it looked like cool grown up glitter
alexjc06: haha
alexjc06: i miss your rat spike
WrappedInRose03: i miss you ditching me for hannah
WrappedInRose03: i loved spike.
alexjc06: that was the first day i met you
alexjc06: and i still rememaber the damn things name
WrappedInRose03: i misss goosebumps!
alexjc06: we were in your drive way
alexjc06: i miss your basement
WrappedInRose03: i misss your man haircutt
alexjc06: i miss me breaking my knee in your living room
WrappedInRose03: i missss us dancing
alexjc06: i miss us making cookie dough
WrappedInRose03: and you and cassie failing my dance because i shook my ass to much
alexjc06: i miss your ass
WrappedInRose03: i missss us toiletpaperingg
alexjc06: i miss us watching dan from his back yard
alexjc06: i miss not getting hte cops called on us for being to loud on the trampoline
WrappedInRose03: i misss watching melanie try to unplug the toilet after she layed one
alexjc06: i miss mooning
alexjc06: lmao
alexjc06: i miss dress up days
WrappedInRose03: i missss restraunt in the basement
alexjc06: i miss tag in the water
WrappedInRose03: i missss being me and you
alexjc06: i misssss being me and you
alexjc06: lets bring back the old days and make plenty new of these i misses cause we could sit here a week and go on
alexjc06: and i love it
WrappedInRose03: i love it toooo
WrappedInRose03: if it wasnt for you i would have never met craig.
WrappedInRose03: mrs. lets go skating at bonadventure
WrappedInRose03: cmon
alexjc06: haha
WrappedInRose03: no alex how dumb
alexjc06: you didnt even want to go
WrappedInRose03: we get there... craig: nice boobs
alexjc06: HAHAH
WrappedInRose03: as im bending over buckling my skates
alexjc06: i dont remembmer that but its so him
WrappedInRose03: love at first site
alexjc06: haha
WrappedInRose03: you were like leave her alone shes young
alexjc06: then 3 hours later, license and registration please
WrappedInRose03: haha
WrappedInRose03: we were honking and mooning
WrappedInRose03: my mom is crying
alexjc06: hahahah
alexjc06: aww it was great
WrappedInRose03: cop: i was about to pull out my gun!
WrappedInRose03: haha
alexjc06: cass and who titty were in the back
alexjc06: hahahahaha
WrappedInRose03: i know how awesome was that.
alexjc06: ahhh remember when you me don your mom and your moms from from aa were on the boat and she was completly nuts and jump off and started to have fit
WrappedInRose03: yeah
WrappedInRose03: ahh and we jumped off to see craig and dan
alexjc06: then when they got home she drove outa the drive way doin like 50mph
WrappedInRose03: and they biked us to the end of the street and me and craig had a grass fight
alexjc06: yes yes at the beach
alexjc06: and road there bikes on there back
WrappedInRose03: yeasss
WrappedInRose03: i miss you. i miss craig too
alexjc06: i miss you too
WrappedInRose03: i miss being me though
alexjc06: you miss craig but here ive got the GBEST plan
alexjc06: thats right g best
alexjc06: now listen
alexjc06: member when we had all thse moments
alexjc06: we were all so happy
alexjc06: and thast how it got you to craig
alexjc06: do it all over again
alexjc06: have more of these moments to get oyu back to him
WrappedInRose03: i know were going to
alexjc06: we wilol have to do all these things, differently of couse, but hte same concept and youll be back to normal
WrappedInRose03: i have to be more independent
WrappedInRose03: i didnt care about guys then remember
alexjc06: no you didnt
alexjc06: we were the dorky, kids
alexjc06: guys were second
alexjc06: you and i were first
WrappedInRose03: i know
alexjc06: you needed to pee before you could go talk to that good lookin fellow over in the corner
WrappedInRose03: i know
alexjc06: your prioritys were before theres
WrappedInRose03: i want to be like that again
WrappedInRose03: i am going to be like that again
alexjc06: YES I CAN
alexjc06: SAY JESS
alexjc06: yes i can!
WrappedInRose03: yes i can!
alexjc06: woo woo
WrappedInRose03: yeah yeah!
WrappedInRose03: pump it up
WrappedInRose03: not your cock you ass
alexjc06: hahahha damn it
WrappedInRose03: like in dodgeball
WrappedInRose03: haha
alexjc06: alright i am outa here, ill be home sooooon and we'll get to pu mpin;-)
alexjc06: great movie
alexjc06: im patch's o'holahan
alexjc06: i love oyu
alexjc06: i love you
WrappedInRose03: i love you tooo
alexjc06: love you i
alexjc06: you love i
alexjc06: i love you
WrappedInRose03: buh bye!
alexjc06: youlovei
alexjc06: bye!