Cool tid-bit of information; Dinosaurs- "I'm the baby, gotta love me!" and "Not the momma!" -first season and second season are available on dvd riiight now.
I just realized that I forgot to tell mi familia what I wanted for my birthday So when they [hopefully] get me money, I'm going out and getting all of the Death Cab cds that I don't have yet =D
Of course, that may not be until like a week or two after I actually get money, so whatev'
I can't wait for DIRECTIONS I might have to get that first
I finished Sypro when I got home today...That is, I 'flamed' Gnasty Gnorc, haha. a I just have two worlds left, two flying ones and they're hella pissing me off. After I get 120%, I'll move on to the next one, I'm psyched.