Okay, so about a week ago Cory and I went to see NIN play at the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester. So...I guess it's about time I made a post about it.
Actually, the only sexy details are Cory's pants. Her sweaty, sweaty pants that she tricked me into touching. But that was after the concert.
We arrived in Rochester and had plenty of time to park, walk to the arena, buy T-shirts, and find our seats. Well, surprise for us, some kids had decided that our awesome seats looked pretty good. But, as we held the tickets (and Cory had worn her ass-kicking boots), everything was quickly put right where it belongs.
NIN came out on stage, and they put on a hell of a show. Trent Reznor is a fantastic performer. And not only that,the stage design was awesome. The lights were amazing and, at times, seizure-inducing. There was both a screen at the rear of the stage that images were projected onto and a sort of transparent curtain that was lowered in front of the stage at certain points for projections to be shown on. One of my favorite moments was when Trent Reznor picked up the mic stand and hit the curtain with it: from that very spot at the very same moment an image of a shattering plate of glass was shown across the curtain.
I wrote down the set list,and here's what was performed:
1. Pinion
2. Love Is Not Enough
3. You Know What You Are
4. Terrible Lie
5. Line Begins to Blur
6. March of the Pigs
7. Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)
8. The Frail
9. The Wretched
10. Closer
11. Burn
12. Gave Up
13. Eraser
14. Right Where It Belongs
15. Beside You in Time
16. The Day the World Went Away
17. Wish
18. Only
19. Every Day is Exactly the Same
20. Suck
21. Hurt
22. Hand That Feeds
23. Head Like a Hole
Memorable moments? During "Only" this incredibly drunk/stoned girl(either way, she was totally out of it)crawls into our section and makes her way behind us. She's moving along the seats and when she gets to mine, puts too much weight on the back so that the seat part flips up,and her with it. So she pulls herself over to Cory's seat and just stops. Her back to Cory's, and she just stays there for a minute. I don't think she had any idea where she was. And the whole time she was on top of Cory's coat but, luckily, nothing had broken.
Oh, and there was some mean tambourine on "Every Day is Exactly the Same". Afterward, Trent Reznor threw it into GA. I wanted Trent Reznor's tambourine.
So that covers some of the highlights of the concert. The Inviting Death Tour 2006 was a success. We made it back alive, bitches*!
*Cory's dad.