M&L + The time Traveler's wife; wallpapers, icons, animations

Jun 15, 2009 15:23

Hello! New  icon batch by me.
I also made 2 Dreamer wallpapers for myself that i want to share, both of them are about the van scene from "destiny".
That scene is one one my fav <3 but the problem with it is that the caps are always bad quality and very dark. They have so many cute pics from that scene but they're almost impossible to be used.. for ( Read more... )

userinfo: animations, animations, !icons, icons:max&liz, wallpapers:max&liz, userinfobanners, icons:timetravelerwife, icons:roswell, wallpapers

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Comments 66

hurtillusions June 15 2009, 15:35:24 UTC
Bellissimeeeeee!!! uh, ma questo The Time Traveler's Wife quando esce? *-* Mi ispira tantissimo dalle tue icons!! E poi mi piace tanto Rachel mc Adams *-*


_coccy_ June 18 2009, 11:56:02 UTC
grazie ^^
il film dovrebbe uscire ad agosto negli usa e a novembre da noi
non vedo l'ora!

però ti consiglio di leggere prima il romanzo


nicolemissing June 15 2009, 15:44:02 UTC
percè fai queste cose splendide, mi viene la depressione ;__;


_coccy_ June 18 2009, 11:58:31 UTC
grazie *blush*
in verità me ne piacciono poche e certe mi sembrano poco creative ma ultimamente preferisco le icone che si basano più sulle luci e il coloring che testo e altre cose


kiarina88 June 15 2009, 15:53:19 UTC
ooooooooooooooh *colpo al cuore*


sono davvero tutte bellissime, ma le mie preferite sono la 28 e la 42 *__*

stupendo coloring, così caldo <3


_coccy_ June 18 2009, 11:59:08 UTC
grazie, contenta che ti piacciono ^^


lincolnimp June 15 2009, 16:18:00 UTC
those are beautiful


_coccy_ June 18 2009, 11:59:19 UTC
thanks ^^


keanaten June 15 2009, 16:23:47 UTC
Time Traveler's Wife Movie is going to make me cry so much. I love Rachel.

Great icons.


_coccy_ June 18 2009, 11:59:41 UTC
me too ç_ç

thanks ^^


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