* mix - n - match *

Oct 09, 2003 18:22

xx.Tell me about that time you broke that law! I stole a traffic cone the other week.
xx.What or who pisses you off? You want a list?
xx.Would you rather date a sissy or a homebody? homeboy
xx.Sex or drugs or breaking stuff? Sex.
xx.The Clash or The Ramones? Ramones bitch!
xx.What do you think about Anarchy? *shrugs*
xx.Tell me about a prank you played! I throw cotton wool at Cher, she hates it :p.
xx.Do you do things that are "bad for your body"? ayei
xx.Are you in trouble all the time? nope.

xx.Do you want to die? Not today thank you *slams door*
xx.What do you think about graveyards? Pretty and scary at night.
xx.Do you write poetry often? nope
xx.How much black clothing do you own? Tons!
xx.What type of makeup do you wear? Normal stuff.
xx.Masochism or sadism? Im not really fussy.
xx.How do you feel about the rest of the world? Angry, sad, ipressed. A lot of things.
xx.Do you cry often? *sheds emo tears* yeah.
xx.What do you think about vampires? MmMm fangs! :D.

xx.How messy are you in general? Oh fuck aye.
xx.Do you bang your head on things repeatedly? Who said that? where am i? Ehh no.
xx.What do you think of mullets? *loads gun*
xx.When did you start drinking alchohol? 12/13ish. I blame my friends.
xx.Do you go to concerts often? fairly often.
xx.What bands rock your pants off? Theres quite a few - rancid, ataris, operation ivy, tsunami bomb, bouncing souls, mustardplug.
xx.What do you think about violence? If there asking for it its fine.
xx.Who or what makes you homicidal? meh
xx.Worship Satan or practice black magic? Black magic
xx.How wild are you in general? I am told i am.

xx.Are you wearing any clean clothes right now? Nope.
xx.How often do you do the laundry, anyway? I live at home.
xx.Do you wear flannel shirts a lot? umm nah.
xx.When was the last time you showered? hour ago.
xx.Do you speak clearly? When sober aye.
xx.Are you a lazy person? yes
xx.Do you play any instruments? nah. musically challenged i am.
xx.Who or what do you rant about a lot? Why is kurt dead! *ahem* stuff.
xx.Empathy or Sympathy? either.
xx.What do you think about Nirvana? There alright.

xx.What makes you different from the rest of them? I am viv.
xx.Who or what makes you bitter? Loadsa stuf.
xx.What was the last big decision you made? To get my ass out of bed and finally wash the pen off my leg.
xx.Are you a happy-go-lucky type of person? dunno really.
xx.What do you think about conformity? Whateva dude.
xx.How hard do you work to get what you want? Not very.
xx.What do you resent? People who are lucky and dont realise it.
xx.Why might some people consider you to be an asshole? Im drunk alot, i dunno.
xx.Do you trust others? Aye too much so.
xx.Are you a loyal friend? Yesh

xx.Do you live in the ghetto? Nah, i live in the hood.
xx.Have you ever even held a gun before? No!
xx.How much bling do you own? I have a few gold chains, rings cars. None
xx.Would you rather have your best friend be a wangsta or a wigga? Wigga?
xx.Would you rather be bustin' caps or rollin' joints? Rollin with ma main man fred :p.
xx.Big butts or big boobs? Niether!
xx.What's your best pickup line? Check out ma ride bitch.
xx."Fo' Sho" or "Yeah, son"? Fo' Sho
xx.What race are most of your friends? white
xx.Ever been to prison? no

xx.Who or what makes you so excited you piss your pants? Umm gin?
xx.Prep or Yuppie? prep
xx.How much money do you spend on bad music? Too much.
xx.Justin Timberlake or Nick Carter? Justin.
xx.How many of your friends still listen to NKOTB? None
xx.Do you like mainstream music? Aye and i love it!
xx.Do you want to be a pop diva? No ta.
xx.How many times, on average, do you say "like" in a sentence? I got my mate to slap me everytime i said "like" as it was pissing her off. I was sore.
xx.OMIGOD or OMG? OMG. Less hassel to type yo.
xx.Ditsy or just plain stupid? Plain stupid.
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