That's a cliff, dude.

Sep 28, 2007 18:08


[Name] Dox
[Age] 16
[Male/Female] I try to remain androgynous :O
[Height] I think either 5'3" or 5'4".
[Please vote me as a boy/girl/doesnt matter]: Doesn't matter

[Hobbies] Drawing, writing, gaming, sleeping, studying,, KILLING PEOPLE acting like a douche...
[Dream Career] I'm still a little confused with what I wanna do with my life, heh. I guess I'd like to do something with computers, or maybe be a researcher or something.
[Describe yourself in 3 words] Silly, friendly, introverted.
[How often do you swear?] I used to swear a lot, but I've toned it down since then. I still let a few fly, though. But man, if I'm getting frustrated in a game or something? I will swear a blue streak. IT CRACKS MY FRIENDS UP, THOUGH, SO
[Tell us something unique about yourself] Uhhh... something unique about myself... uh... wow, I'm boring. I can't think of-
Well, I guess I did teach myself how to read, and my motivation for doing so was so I'd know what people were saying in video games. Yes, I started playing that early. No, that doesn't equal "last week," for all the smart alecs in the audience.
[If you could be any FF class, what would you be? (black mage, thief, summoner, etc.)] I've always been attracted to thieves, for some reason. Whenever I have to choose my character's class for whatever game I'm playing, it's almost always thief, or something related to thief. I really have no idea why I like it so much. Either that, or a mercenary. Or a thieving mercenary. But I'm getting ahead of myself, now.
[Choice of weapon? Why?] Something long range, like a gun or arrows or magic or something. I'd get too jumpy to do close range stuff.
[Favorite Eidolon/Aeon/GF/Summon. Any reason why?] I've always liked Ifrit. I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHY well his summon videos are always pretty cool, even if I did get sick of watching his and everyone elses' in FF8. Why do those things have to last, like, ten years (thirty seconds)? I remember how I'd set it so all my characters would summon something, then I'd go run to the restroom or something. They'd usually still be going by the time I got back.

Are you more...
[Optimistic or Pessimistic] I'm neither, really. I'm realistic. And stuff.
[Trouble Maker or Hesitant One] About 95% of the time, I'm hesitant. I'm just too big of a wuss about getting in trouble to stir up anything. Well, except then there's that other 5% of the time where I decide to turn into a COMPLETE MORON and go do something crazy, usually when I'm with a certain group. Even then, though, it's really low scale (hurr hurr hey guyz watch me set my underwear on fire!!11!1).
[Athletic or Intellectual] Definitely intellectual. I am not athletic at all.
[Easy going or Opinionated] Both. I guess more easy-going, though.
[Hero or Villian? Why?] Hero. I'm a pacifist, I believe in doing the right thing, and although I can sometimes have a stony exterior, deep down there's that soft, chocolately center that makes a addition to the snack tray at parties. wait, what
[What's one thing you fear?] The death of a loved one. And growing old. And social situations. y helo social anxiety
[Would you rather work in a group or by yourself?] It really depends on the group. I've been in great groups with hard-working, funny, creative people, and that's great! But then there's those groups where the people are lazy and whiny and just goof off, usually resulting in me and maybe someone else doing all the work. In that case, I'd rather just work alone.
[You hope to end your life with the single thought of what?] "I've lived a full life. I don't have any regrets."
[What does friendship mean to you?] It means a lot, really. I'm not sure where I'd be without my friends' support, and I hope I've been some measure of help to them, as well.
[Are you a day or night person?] Day.
[Tell us a motto you live by] "Ahh, what the hell." It gets you through more than you might think.

Random Question Time
[Someone you know ruined something valuble of yours. How do you react?] I guess that depended on what it was... I once lent my iPod to a friend, and it came back broken. I was kind of mad, but nothing real terrible, but I forgave them quickly and didn't hold it against them or even make them pay me anything (I still had the warranty on it and everything, so whatever |B). My cat once tore up a bunch of drawings I did when I was a kid, and even though I angsted something hardcore, I wasn't actually upset with her, I was just upset. I didn't yell or anything. It's just really, really hard to make me feel genuinely angry with someone.
HOWEVERRRR there was this one crazy dude who ATTEMPTED to ruin my friendship with several different people by talking to them "behind my back" about how I was so heartless and terrible and how I should go die because I removed him from my LJ friends list (luckily, nobody bought it). He did a lot of other stupid stuff, don't wanna go into detail, but I rather strongly dislike him and have pretty much blocked him from me entirely. So there you go, I guess. Wow, I didn't mean for this to come out so long :B Sorry about that.
[How do you feel about flying?] I haven't flown since I was, like... five. So I dunno. The thought makes me a little nervous, but I'd still go on a plane if I had to.
[Which Final Fantasy character do you hate? Any reason?]
[Anything else you'd like to add?] Nope :D

[Which Final Fantasy character is your favorite? Why?] Oh man, that's a tough one. I guess... Freya is really cool. I was really thrilled to finally have a Final Fantasy female who wasn't a weak, clingy Mary Sue, and who was actually "one of the guys," in a way. Not to mention she's great in battle. Also, rats are cool :B yuk yuk

3 pictures. No cosplay, please. ^_^
Sorry, I don't like putting up pics of myself. I ENJOY MY PRIVACY, yes. I guess I can describe myself, though. I'm short and skinny with brown hair, pale skin, greenish/blueish/grayish/whateverish eyes, glasses, and I'm usually wearing dark clothing and some sneakers I drew all over. I usually have a ":|" look on my face. I may or may not be wearing a Mario hat and/or carrying a giant book bag. And now I'm really hungry so lol bye guyz omg
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