(no subject)

Oct 22, 2004 15:38

why is there such FUCKING whores at our school?


she stole everything I WANTED.

Do you...
Wear eye shadow? yes sirreee
Give high fives? if your special.
Remember where you were when OJ Simpson was let free? nope.
Remember where you were when Princess Di had died? at home watching tv.

Eat with your mouth open? no...its increibibly disgusting. i should shoot everyone in the mouth that does.

Take walks in the rain? yes. its just TOO fun.

Have You Ever...
Had sex: nooo.

Gotten drunk:noope.

Been in love: yes.
Stayed home on Saturday night: almost every saturday. ::sigh:: such a loner.

Done anything funny while you were drunk or high: nah
Gotten in a car accident: nope.

Thought you were going to die: yep today when i got that pill stuck in my throat. NOT TO MENTION ITS STILL THERE.
Wanted to run away: no not really.

Shop-lifted: when i was like 5.
Ran from the cops: no
Lied to the cops: no.
Cursed in front of your parent(s): on accident.
Cursed in front of your teacher(s): nope.
Flunked a grade: nope.
Skipped a grade: no.
Murdered someone: shhh. NO JAYKAY.
Been convicted of Committing a crime: no.
Been skinny-dipping: no.
Gone an extended period of time without shaving? like 3 days.
Hiked a mountain: yes.
Ridden through Death Valley on horse back: no.
Been attacked by a big dog: no but i got attacked by a goose before.
Been to the Eiffel Tower: no. but this summer i will :-)
Made homemade fudge? yes.
Been on stage: hmm lets count.1..2...345...6...78...9...101112..13.14...15..16....17...18...19.

In the last 24 hours have you...
Cried? very close to.
Eaten pizza? no.
Helped someone? iris!
Bought something? not really.
Not known the answer in class? no. but i didnt have to anwser it.
Worn a skirt? yeah.
Been sarcastic? always.
Gone for a run? just a few minutes ago up that BIG hill.
Gone for a walk? yep to take the kids home today.

Gone to the movies? no
Felt stupid? yes
Kissed someone? no.
Moved on? no.
Talk to an ex? barely. i was too pissed.
Missed an ex? yes.
Watched your favourite movie? no i should rent it though.
Talked to your crush? look above. kthnx.
Given someone a present? nope.
Had a serious talk? not really
Missed someone? yeah
Hugged someone? yep. right before i left school.

Had a nightmare? nope
Fought with your parent? no.
Fought with a friend? yeah. in a way.

Last Things You Did...
Last book you read: a walk to remeber..
Last book you read by choice: look above. kthnx.
Last movie you saw: wow. like 2 weeks ago. i saw the hannibal with my LOVING abigail.
Last movie you saw on the big screen: i really cant remeber.
Last phone number you called: joseph. ::sigh::
Last show you watched on TV: battle of the sexes
Last song you heard: amandas poem about unicorns.
Last thing you had to drink: water.
Last time you showered: this morning.
Last time you slept: last night.
Last words you said: i love you boo.
Last thing you ate: a cookie.

Future daughter names: genivive
Future son names: christoper
Any annoying habits? not really
Any good habits? i cant think of any.
Are you too shy to ask someone out? not really

Best feeling in the world: getting an "i love you"
Can you do any thing out of the ordinary in your dreams? i can see into peoples hearts
Color socks you're wearing: white. duh.
How many shoes you own: too many to count.
Least favorite subject: history! thank god mrs gass is GONE.
Least Favorite Food: mayoniose
One thing you hope you do before you die: fly.
One thing you wish you could tell the whole world: use protection.
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