I'm jealous. Sean kissed Elijah, and they are both "straight" ( I have my theories, however...). And I, the beautiful Craig Parker, am a single, attractive, unkissed man. I am not a happy camper.
I've decided that I'd like a pet. I want a cute, cuddly, fuzzy pet. Like a kitty. I want a kitty. I'm all by my lonesome in my apartment, and I want a pet. A kitty. Who wants to buy me a kitty? :D
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I miss filming, it's so fun. Much more fun than this cold I got. A cold, in the middle of summer! I should call it a hot. Blah. I've been in bed sneezing all day. Le sigh.
So, 'Lij, wanna come over and make me feel better...?
Well, I've been very busy as of late. Sometimes work just piles up and then silently attacks me from behind. It has done that once again. And, there is not much to say. I have a very uneventful life. Oh, woe is me. Heh
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Well, hello there. It's nice to see you all. ... Not really sure what to say... I just got here -- have no fear, Haldir is here! Heh. So, uhh, hello... I don't actually have to be on set for a while, but I came here to see where I'd be filming... Uhh... And, that's about it. So, HI!