you watched green mile???? wasn't that the weirdest thing ever????
but did you laugh when the guy goes "walkin' the green mile...walkin' the green mile" and he pretends to be electricuted?? haha. yeah....but its such a weird movie *shudders*
Wow crazy life, don't do to much kid or you will end up sick. The Green Mile was a very odd movie, but interesting too. I would agree that your little brother is really funny. He always makes me laugh as well. See you tomorrow???????? SMILE :)
Comments 8
wasn't that the weirdest thing ever????
but did you laugh when the guy goes "walkin' the green mile...walkin' the green mile" and he pretends to be electricuted??
haha. yeah....but its such a weird movie *shudders*
I would agree that your little brother is really funny. He always makes me laugh as well. See you tomorrow???????? SMILE :)
and i agree...The Green Mile is weird...but very interesting and kindave cool.
When don't you work?
i dont think i've ever seen 'green mile' it worth seeing?
i sat next to your brother on sunday, i felt honored.
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