Went on a double date with Amie and one of her suitors. He is this guy she met at a party two weeks ago, and they're already twitterpated. It's cute. Really.
We went to see
(For fucks sake, could it have been any cheesier? I was seriously disappointed by it. As opposed to the first - House of 1000 Corpses - it was all smoke and mirrors. There was so much computer animation in the damn movie, it lost it's barbaric feel and it went from a sadistic story to a "Remember the good times?" kind of flick. So much for the Rob Zombie's reputation. and went to Denny's afterwards for desert. I crashed at Morgan's and he made me breakfast in the morning. :)
Going to Carl's 4th of July/21st Birthday/Going-Away party tonight. I'm camping on his property, and am very hopeful that no one stumbles into (or onto) the tent while we're sleeping. Bastards.
Oh yeah, and there are shows tonight and next Saturday night at the coffeehouse. That is all.