My Boyfriend....
His name: Tom
His age: 17
How long have you been together: 2 yrs on March 1st (offically)
Eye color: blue
Hair color: dirty blonde-ish
Hair style: messy :)
How did you meet: hahaha... I was attracted to his sweatshirt & I asked him to button it. You all know the story, come on now!
How serious is it: serious
Do you love him: more than anything
Does he love you: yeah
Do your parents like him: a lot
Do you trust him: uh huh
Enough to drive your car(assuming you have one): if I had one anymore, sure.
Would you share a toothbrush with him: I do, sometimes.
Does he let you wear his pants: His PJ ones to bed
Can you picture having kids with him: sure
What do you like the most about him: Everything
What bothers you the most about him: Idk nothing right now, I guess.
Does he have a temper: nope
Does he have a cute nickname for you: sometimes
Do you have a nickname for him: whatever I feel like calling him, I call him. lol
Do you think he's cute: Yes. :)
How far have you two gone? We haven't had sex.
Who's more experienced? we're the same.
Who's more sensitive to the touch? probably me.
Does he embarrass you in public: No.
Does he understand you: yes, very much
Does he give good hugs?: uh huh!!
Is he romantic?: yeah, sometimes :)
What part of his personality attracted you to him first?: everything really...
What's his best physical trait: smile
Is there anything you wish he'd change about himself?: nope
Do you find him controlling: hahaha! NO!
What's the cutest thing about him?: the way his nose scrunches up sometimes when he kisses me. and the way he smiles when he's embarrassed or shy...
Do you think you could do better: Not at all...
What's he done that made an impact?: stood by me through...everything. and everything is a lot- believe me.
Does he make you happy? Very.
Do you remember the EXACT moment you fell for him? Yup.
Have you ever seen him cry? yes...