I'm like a day late and this community is dead..oh well.
1. Name; Jamie
2. Nickname; Goodness, there's lots..James is the main one :D
3. Age; 13!
4. Location; Tennessee..Country girl!
5. Stereotype; Um..I guess I dress like a "prep" but I have a rocker attitude
6. What made you want to apply to this community? looked fun
7. Do you think you would be active in this community? totally..i <3 rating
8. What do you think makes you so cute? My hair
9. Favorite Movie;Legally Blonde and Dirty Dancing
10. Favorite Singer; Ashlee Simpson
11. Favorite Band; SWiTCHFOOT!
12. Favorite Song; She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
13. Favorite Show; Summerland!
14. Who is your role model? I don't really have one..
15. Why do you like about yourself the most? appearence wise..my hair
16. What don't you like about yourself? my hands
17. Favorite Colour; pink!
18. Favorite Scent; Cliniquie (sp?) Happy Heart
19. Favorite Article of Clothing; my AE jeans
20. Favorite Accesory; my AE purse
21. Insert Pictures Here
took these 2 seconds ago