Location:houston, texas
Screen name:bleedonyou
5 top bands/artists:
*linkin park
*amy lee
5 top movies:
*interview with a vampire
*queen of the damned
*empire new groove
*fifth element
*the cell
Do you drink/smoke/do drugs?nope clean
A famous person you idolize:anne rice she is a great writer
A famous person you'de like to see die:
what are your views on...
the legalization of marijuana:i really dont care becuze ppl are still going do it no matter what
abortion:i think it wrong
our goverment:it is all fake
war:war is stupid
gay marriages:hey if ppl want to marry ppl of the same sex let them
terrorism:they are lookin for attention
self mutilation:sometimes it can be a art but also can be taken overboard
teen suicide:teen feel depressed alot but i dont believe they should end their lives becuase some kid broke there heart
racism:is just stupid
(show pictures if avaiable)
Peircings:tungue and 6 in ear (no pic)
Tattoos:one home made (no pic)
hair color:black
eye color:blue
best/favorite feature:back
How did you hear about this community? trisha
Give us the link of 2 places you promoted...don't be dumb we do check!
ok one is in my journal
bleedonyouother is in the community
kitty_ears Choose..this or that
*me/mouse mouse
*black/white black
*cake/ice cream ice cream
*dog/cat cat
*your own journal/community bleedonyou
*cheerleading/ carefull...>.