Stole this from Summer

May 21, 2005 17:45

Yeha, the title explains it all.

Top Commenters on _d_e_a_t_h_____'s LiveJournal

1_d_e_a_t_h_____ 24
2summerxmoon 15
3roxydragoneyes 10
4b_a_s_s_master 6
5sex_on_the_rox 5
6____insipid 5
7oh_lowdy 3
8Anonymous 3
9joshschitokiri 2
10shouldhave3 2
11failedfollower 2
12___bangable 2
13___omgawdz 2
14subtractedby3 1

Total Commenters: 14
Total Comments: 82
Report generated 5/21/2005 5:44:55 PM by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.5

Not a lot of commenters. I am hurt....... (tear)


btw- got a job, WORKING FOR MY DAD. I have to run the books in his company. Basically I am the accountant. I also have to learn how to use Quickbooks (which is relatively simple for the type of job it does, but still kinda hard). But, I start at 10 bucks a fucking hour initialy to set up everything, and then I get 15 bucks a mother fucking hour. Holy shit. Sounds great, but I think that once it is set up I'll be working max like 2 or 3 hours a week, unless I doctor it up and do what those bastards at the auto mechanic places do and do an hour of work and charge for like 3. Probably will. Going to try to get a job a Publix, too, because I hear that the bag boys fuck around most the time, have easy jobs, get tips, and start of at like 6.70 an hour, minus tax. But thats a cool thing about working for my dad, I dont pay tax for the money I earn. Yetsofar, about 50 bucks. Bang-a-bang, nigga. Bang-a-bang.
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